
I am still wondering if Discovery is set in a third timeline, and the spore drive is jumping them between parallel universes every time it’s used - it’s just the differences are too small to see. Yet. We’ll end up in the prime timeline by the end of the season, by way of the mirrorverse, which is when the Discovery

Trump and Brexit. I was promised IDIC and the United Federation of Planets. Fuck this mirrorverse shit.

Trump and Brexit. I want IDIC and the United Federation of Planets. Fuck this mirrorverse shit.  

Dafne Keen turned in the most extraordinary performance I’ve seen from a child in decades. She’s up there with Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver in terms of debuts. I don’t think that’s a stretch. She created an amazingly layered character, who just kept on surprising me throughout the film. She not only held her own

Katherine, I thought the spoiler warning referred to this episode, not theories about future plot possibilities. While I had my own ideas about Voq and Ash, it doesn’t feel good to have it more-or-less confirmed by you via your side-by-side comparisons of online cast lists. C’mon - that’s not cool. Some of us are

What’s wrong with “Blade Runner Too?”

Can’t say it’s a wildly exciting choice, it being a “safe pair of hands,” but ol’ JJ’s dependability seems to be what the House of Mouse is looking for now after its early experiments with auteur filmmakers.

Probably easily explained by the fact that most Trek fans have TOS, TNG, DS9 and Enterprise on DVD or blu-ray. More casual afns will want to revisit TNG, and the story they remember best: Best of Both Worlds. But even as a die-hard Trekker, Voyager is still the only series I don’t have or have never owned on home

“This video is not available”

Have fun in your world, then. Bye, now.

I know - there are arcane rules we’re not privy to!

Thandie Newton OWNED Westworld and should be in the “best actress” category, but I suspect that award will (rightly) go to Elisabeth Moss for The Handmaid’s Tale. Still, Westworld is an ensemble show, and the elevation of Evan Rachel Wood over her co-star seems insulting somehow. Still, the Emmys are using the term

Oh good. Can’t wait for another piece of completely unnecessary exposition that’ll further help demystify the grand enigma of the original ALIEN and futher tarnish the Scott reputation. CLUELESS. 

Marinus was mentioned because, in his comic strip The World Shapers, comics scribe Grant Morrison posited that the Voord were precursors to the Cybermen. Hence Capaldi-Doc’s comment about ‘parallel evolution’ which pertained not only to the other Earth first seen in Rise of the Cybermen but any world where they arise,

Prometheus is not a good movie for so many reasons. It is, however, a very *pretty* and well-made movie. Its production values are superb and it looks amazing... but that didn’t allow me to suspend disbelief, because of its cast of idiot characters and sloppy plot that had no idea whether it wanted to deepen the

Cheeeeeez. I’d forgotten about Fire in the Sky. That sequence is really disturbing.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t change from an older system of classification to a newer, more logical one (Imperial to metric, sort of) and I’m not bothered by Pluto’s reclassification, because Ceres promotion is cool (etc.) What annoys me in the article above is the implicit elitism of the suggested overhaul which

Can’t wait. Just wish we were getting more Capaldi. Sad that this is his final season (okay, plus a Christmas special).

Helpfully, this version has sub-titles:

Soule - again? Seriously? *Please* - give it to another writer! Someone who cares! Someone who isn’t spread so thinly over X amount of other titles that s/he can give it some sense of originality! [Deep, deep sigh...]