No Dogs in Space is so good. You'd think how much time they devote to each band would be overkill, but it's not. They make every bit of minutiae incredibly interesting.
No Dogs in Space is so good. You'd think how much time they devote to each band would be overkill, but it's not. They make every bit of minutiae incredibly interesting.
Not only that, but he was such a fucking dork too. I really don’t understand fans that found him admirable. Even at the height of his power, that show always did a great job of showing how pathetic he was. Like all the times he was spitting out some elaborate, bullshit lie, and you can just see on Skyler’s face the…
Agreed. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into it, but I just finished watching the whole thing in under 2 days and loved it.
Dennis Haysbert does have a great sounding voice.
Oh, I agree. I love Dean Winters and the Mayhem commercials he’s in. There are a handful of decent ones, but it’s way more likely that an insurance commercial is gonna grate on my nerves rather than entertain me. Liberty Mutual’s talking heads and their happy dances, Peyton Manning humming the Nationwide song, Geico…
Insurance commercials seem to be more consistently awful than ones for any other goods or services.
Not fast enough. This commercial has been driving me nuts for at least a month, possibly even two already. I actually did web searches for “corny/cheesy/obnoxious peleton she’s so high commercial” a couple weeks ago to confirm that I wasn’t the only person obsessed with the unbelievable stupidity of it, and was pretty…
“Thanks for the reasoned response, I was just starting to feel depressed at some of the pretty genuinely hateful things people have been responding to me with.”
That’s the point where this show jumped the shark:
The last few weeks of this show have been incredible. They’d be a strong contender for my pick on this
God damn it. The opportunity to make a Mark David Chapman joke that isn’t completely tasteless rarely presents itself, so I kinda jumped the gun when I saw both of those in the same post.
U2's best album in my opinion (1991's Achtung Baby) was pretty groundbreaking, but INXS had been combining rock guitars and dance beats for years before that. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of INXS being an influence on that album though.
Putting the Beatles down, and saying that Catcher in the Rye is superior to Great Gatsby in the same sentence ........ Mark David Chapman?
I’d add Podrick to that group.
Agreed. It wasn’t inconsistent with the show’s worldview. And it did have some parts I really liked (Jon meeting back up with Ghost and Tormund, Brienne finishing Jaime's story, Bronn on the small council, and Sam getting mercilessly mocked for suggesting democracy), but I just didn't find it satisfying as a whole.
Yeah, I really liked the episode up until Jon killed Dany. The cinematography with the unsullied in front of Daenerys flanked by Drogon and that huge Targaryan flag was great. And Emilia Clarke has always sounded most convincing in this role when speaking Valyrian. But after the stabbing it just kinda felt like C-SPAN:…
Yeah, it reminds me of “my bad” or “good on ya’”, which also annoy me for some reason.
I’m sure they will. They need somebody younger since he was playing Junior from that time period 20 years ago.