Vas Def

yes, I think there’s been a lot of deliberate misdirection around addiction being solely the responsibility of the addict, when in reality this should be a community responsibility. Instead it falls only on the addict and their immediate support network, who hopefully reflect back the worth us addicts often don’t see

only shooting stars break the mold

But if they default it to small or medium, other people will complain... seriously, why does this issue gets so much attention?

I don’t want a large Farva

I too would like to go to their place of work and flip out when they try to give me the middle of the road option instead of the least expensive by default.

“It’s the principle about it.”

We got perfectly good drugs already and we got the Dutch over here reinventing the wheel...

When I was about five, I was playing under a table covered by a table cloth. After a few minutes, I got scared that I would be abandoned, so ran out and grabbed my mom’s leg. The leg actually belonged to a very hairy guy in shorts.

I have an uncanny ability to retain bad memories, even, perhaps especially, extremely trivial ones. Earlier today I was reminded of a mildly embarrassing episode ( barely a 2 on my personal 1-10 scale) that occurred almost 40 years ago.

Take your goddamn star

He looks like Billy Racist Cyrus. 

According to Google Translate - ‘ A face in need of a fist’. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Hey, you’ve got better idiots (?) than I do who at least know basic flag etiquette. I still see a few of them flying around here, but they’re starting to come down as their Orange Julius Caesar becomes more and more unhinged at his failed attempt to become emperor.

Last week, I saw a group of 12+ unmasked idiots at an intersection in downtown Woodinville, WA (a Seattle suburb) holding COVID conspiracy/anti-mask signs, most of which included the phrase “Trust in Trump and Jesus” and various slurs against Governor Inslee. It was quite telling that JC wasn’t the first name in that

Since when do evangelicals give a shit about what Jesus said?

He’s one of those annoying religious nuts you can’t be friends with because everything comes back to his religion.

“Crappy Christian cunts completely crushed by COVID” would be even better.

I really liked the first part of Sunshine.