

" due time we will all be able to accept that Miley has a point and that she is, in fact, like, the biggest feminist in the world."

Either jealous or a hater. Pick your poison!

I kind of like it...

I also cannot understand the logic of, "grieving people aren't on Twitter. ". Really? They're not? Is that some sort of rule? I guess I need to update myself on the grieving FAQs because last time I checked grief is a very personal experience and there's no one-size-fits-all protocol.

How much if his story do you know? He was clean for ages and the relapsed, so it's not like he simply ignored his addiction and did nothing about it.

Much different when it's a person close to the deceased such as in the example you outlined. When the person casting judgement is a merely an onlooker it is much, much different.

Drug use alters the body's chemistry and leads to inappropriate physical, chemical and hormonal responses over time. The body also builds up a dependency on the active ingredients.

"The saddest part of PSH's death is that he wasted incredible talent by becoming a fucking cliche."

Agree. When I was younger I was so consumed with being able to read fast and better than others (which I defined as faster) that I developed terrible reading comprehension. To this day I have to read most things multiple times to make sure I actually read for understanding.

We don't know for sure if Kim actually will be on the cover of Vogue. Even if she is on the cover, it will not be the first time a "nice curvy figure" was on the cover of Vogue.

I hate to say it, but I hope Wintour had the shoot arranged just to get him off her back and never uses the photos.

this is wonderful!

Well, then I guess I'm just relieved that she didn't write an article about how to make a professional athlete your husband! =)

Really!? Really?! This makes her 'advice' even worse.

Guide to the superbowl:

For some reason I find the word "rapscallion" to be hysterical.

Yesss! I live in NY on the water and find the the Long Island Sound swans are incredibly quick to hiss and throw a fit.

Yeah, I'm not going to "bow down" to someone simply because they're a "megastar". That makes absolutely no sense, and I don't why someone who is a "megastar" deserves our undying adoration. Worshipping celebrities like they're deities will surely lead to a great society.