
Mmmm, love Quorn products.

Careful, if you don't like Beyonce as an artist that means that commenters are allowed to make accusations and assumptions about your character. Because, you know, one cannot simply have their own music preferences; you're simply just a hater and as such people can pile onto you and try to find ulterior motives

.... people get tips (or whatever they heck they are called) on their TOE NAILS!?!?!? That's a thing now?!?!?!

Cue the MRAs saying this is why women cannot be trusted.... GO!

Continuing in this vein, I bet it's pretty safe to say that most mothers would try to sway their daughter to buy the thin pretty pretty princess. Until it became in to have the average or overweight princess doll, but for some reason I am picturing scenes of the overweight princess battling the skinny princess and the

I'll never understand why they all get perfect breasts. That always frustrates me. I mean, on one level I understand, but at the same time, why the hell are the breasts so important?

Hell even an average size Disney princess would be nice.

I guess I wonder if she has to believe that he loved her, because if she believes his actions were motivated by hate, it's much, MUCH more difficult to accept her actions and the extremely unfortunate side effects. She may not be emotionally able to bring down that wall, and she may not want to because believing it

I think that yes, the POS may have hated his daughter, but it's also possible he was pretty messed up and actually believed what he was doing was motivated by love for her. But, in reality, he had an unhealthy definition of love and how to show love. He 100% abused her and there is no defending that, and please don't

really??? REALLY???

Honestly, if she has a uterus and her egg quality is decent, one cannot completely rule out the chance of pregnancy. She could have a 5% chance of getting pregnant every cycle and have been trying for 2 years and spent all that time in the 95%.

Perhaps, but the headline is awful and depending on how you read it, is with simply factual or factual and judgmental.

Honestly, if she has a uterus and her egg quality is decent, one cannot completely rule out the chance of pregnancy. She could have a 5% chance of getting pregnant every cycle and have been trying for 2 years and spent all that time in the 95%.

How about we stop piling on this woman and allow her to grieve her infertility in peace. There's something about these articles that makes my stomach turn. She made her decision and will live with the effects. Let's not unnecessarily shame he for make her feel worse.

How about we stop piling on this woman and allow her to grieve her infertility in peace. There's something about these articles that makes my stomach turn. She made her decision and will live with the effects. Let's not unnecessarily shame he for make her feel worse.

Poor little man. :( Pet owners, food does not equal love!!!! There are tons of healthy ways to show the animal member of your family that you love him/her that do not involve around the clock treats and noms.

It's okay, I just wasn't sure if you were responding to the correct post since I took a step back and reflected upon working across specialties from a macro scale and your comment was more granular.

Ok, but I wasn't discussing this article, I was addressing the question posed by DaisyLady. I also never said it was a "money-making scheme", or brought up money period.

I don't like any of their 'Italian' dishes, but the breadsticks and salad are laced with crack.

CME should be focused on areas for which they are board certified, and in general, specialists should be immersed in their specialty. There is some overlap though; gynecologists should be aware of developments in gynecological oncology and some OBs are developing a working knowledge of rheumatology. Specialists are