I am a person who got pregnant as a result of a rape. And I say this guy can go fuck himself.
I am a person who got pregnant as a result of a rape. And I say this guy can go fuck himself.
Anyone bringing theological debate to a secular legislature should be disqualified. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, you asshole.
Good people don’t make “mistakes” like that. It was very malevoleant, cruel, and intentional.
Far be it from me to tell consenting adults what to do, but whenever I read about stuff like this I always wonder, how do you discover that this is your kink? Do you see dogs and think, ‘that looks chill’? Because I don’t have a kink (yet) and if I am missing out on something I want to know.
I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.
Julia not wearing shoes is her throwing shade at the Cannes organizers who last year strictly enforced a ludicrous, and sexist, rule that denied entry to women who were not wearing high heels.
Van Kuilenburg’s appearance at Cruz’s rally was meant to call attention to the violent impact of such prejudice. He went, he told The Frederick News-Post, “to show Cruz supporters that rhetoric about gay and transgender rights hurts real people like him.”
Which is why I gave up FB and IG, and only Twitter for horse racing events (strictly only follow others who also only tweet about racing).
I worked really hard on that post, Jia.
Your post sounds a lot like some crazy rant, and not a cohesive article on women’s self respect. And no, this guy isn’t great, he’s creepy.
Donald Trump accepts your challenge.
What kind of fucked-up bullshit did I just read? 1) running from vaccinations! 2) homeschooling! 3) Exerting parental control to teach your child only about the confederacy?
I’m female, and I agree with you. It’s unfair to have it warm, since putting on sweater works, but peeling off clothes isn’t an option.
Temperature is just one more thing that the patriarchy controls. This is not about conditioning the air; it’s about conditioning the oppressed classes to accept the cheapest, most convenient, and easiest air that the ruling classes can provide. It is a result of capitalism: An effort to monetize the human condition…
Hi! Overweight dude here. I’m a big guy... 6’2”, 225 lbs...
The folds under her arms and on her torso on the pictures where her body is contorted were reassuring for me. I've been trying to lose weight and get in shape, so it's kind of a bummer to see/feel folds when you move around (especially on the front of your armpit, ugh). I'd never seen that on someone with, as Mean…
I'll go ahead and admit it: Seeing Doutzen's frown lines — specifically the angry 11s — makes me feel better about mine. I think, depending on the individual, this sort of reality check can be powerful.