
I clean as I cook so it makes more sense for me to perform the cleaning. All I ask is that my husband put his own plate in the dishwasher!

I regret ever visiting this woman’s twitter. her tweet from 10:09 this morning compares a chimp to a black man, and ends with vote for trump. I think I’m going to vomit.

No... The video is about how freaking annoying it is to have to capture every moment of your life in a particular way, so that it may be posted on the Internet, and do that people can then think the poster is so introspective/fabulous/philosophical/beautiful/perfect, etc, etc...

I think ACOG came out with similar guidelines a few years ago.

I was in that situation with a previous pregnancy, and the week it took to see specific specialists to confirm the diagnosis, fetal MRI, etc. etc, was absolutely fucking hell. Then I had to wait days for the D&E. Another level of hell. If I had to carry that pregnancy to term, or walk around waiting for the fetus to

I was in that situation with a previous pregnancy, and the week it took to see specific specialists to confirm the diagnosis, fetal MRI, etc. etc, was absolutely fucking hell. Then I had to wait days for the D&E. Another level of hell. If I had to carry that pregnancy to term, or walk around waiting for the fetus to

It's usually out of medical necessity at that point, to either protect the health of the mother, or because the fetus has issues that are incompatible with life. In my case, the fetus was missing a large portion of its brain, among other medical issues. And yes, it's incredibly painful for the parent(s), and

Why is it ever appropriate, or even possible for politicians to instruct physicians on how to practice? So fucking ridiculous.

French fries dipped in mayo. It was glorious.


Considering the current and projected ration of women:men in China I hope that this event is not foreshadowing what is to come....

My husband actually does pretty much all the household chores so this makes me quite happy! I would hope this also have a positive impact on son's also as they grow up in an environment where chores are not "women's work" and therefor will not expect their female SO to perform all the chores solo.

Oh FFS...

ETA: I need to read the actual study, but the DailyMail comment that, "Researchers from the University of Bristol's Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group (TARG) said attractiveness ratings were higher for all three image types among the alcohol group compared to the placebo group.", infers all three types increased, so

"If you think about it, beer goggles are really more like INNER BEAUTY GOGGLES."

Out of curiosity, why were a picture AND gif of Kate Upton's breasts included in this article? I get that the movie reduces her to a pair of breasts, but can we do better?

When we consider the risk benefit profile of a drug we do consider the baseline level of depression in the disease population, but, this should also be somewhat represented in the placebo or active comparator group. For diseases with a high baseline level of depression the FDA will often require depression & suicidal

Honestly, after 7 years I forget that they are even there and I forget that I'm wearing something so expensive. My ring cost a lot more than the one described in this article and it has still become an afterthought over time. Then again, I also don't take my ring off in public places period.

Ugh - please dismiss my other comment; damn autocorrect.

Understood. It frustrates me begin it further perpetuates scientific fallacies/misnomers in an attempt to increase site traffic.