
How are you defining "more woman"?

Really? The fact that Barneys serves high end clientele does not take away from the fact that this photo shoot is incredibly progressive and inclusive of a group of people who are constantly marginalized and the target of prejudice and assault.

I feel bad for whoever sat through these videos and has to devote so much of her time to Justin Bieber. Kate, my condolences. I hope you at least polished off a bottle of wine during this and had a few laughs.

And honestly, pay is so subjective that I think you couldn't look at this on a case by case basis. You would have to go into a company and review male and female compensation on multiple levels (1:1, functional, division, title, etc.) and look for themes that would call into question pay practices.

To be fair, at least Obama also mentioned Mad Men.

All 3!! All 3!! All 3!!

We should also invite representatives from neighboring states to watch.

You've convinced me that we are better off invading the cafeteria and replicating the events exactly as they occurred in the grammar school.

I want someone to storm into one of their lunch meetings and throw out all the platters of food and then hand them cartons of milk and fruit.

"She doesn't even have to make an exit! Tina Turner is still hot-damn sexy, Debbie Harry is still cool-sexy, Emmylou Harris is sweet-sexy, and all these ladies are older than Madonna. I'm sure there's a million other examples."

"What the Ever Loving Fuck"

My sister (male to female) started hormones first. Now that I think of it, I've never even heard her even mention her Adams apple. She's obsessed with "passing" and invests much time and energy into that area, but shes actually never referenced her Adams apple as a reason she does not pass or worries about not

I think it would be interesting to talk to Madonna about her past. I know that she really isn't relevant anymore, has become a bit desperate, and needs to just shut up sometimes, but she was a very powerful force, especially for women, and I hate that her current antics are shadowing that; she should make her exit

Sorry for all the replies; my reading comprehension in traffic is apparently poor.

Sorry for all the replies; my reading comprehension in traffic is apparently poor.

Also, one of the most valuable takeaways from b-school is the network. If you want to look at it in regards to sex, it's a way to buy yourself a seat at a predominately/historically male table.

I earned my MBA at a top 10 business school post PhD; not HBS, but a NYC based school, and I do know many women with a MBAs from HBS and Wharton. The environment was NOT hostile. I never, EVER was victim to any hostility or even passive aggressiveness due to the fact that I am a women. It's entirely possible that you

I had no idea that only 9% of HBS case studies feature female protagonists. Some of the most memorable cases from b-school involve female protagonists; but they're memorable purely because we wrote papers or studied those case studies a bit more intensively due to the underlying business issue. Otherwise I didn't

After all, women don't know their own bodies, right? That's why we have men make all of women's medical decisions.

now I can see it, too!!! I love that owl! I just started laughing on a conference call that I forgot to mute