
Sorry, I wasn't being precise in my verbiage. Not a fan of having a tongue anywhere in that area - clit included.

I think that I don't like the premise that we are SUPPOSED to like having a tongue in our vagina, and if you don't, omg it's due to subconscious shame. Honestly, I just don't want a tongue in my vagina - the conversation begins and ends there. Just because something is physically possible and some people like it

I haven't had oral in ... hmmm... 5 years? Mainly because I find it to be boring and, honestly, I have no desire to have a tongue in my vagina. Nothing to do with shame!

I appreciate men who inform women about the status of their area. If my husband and I are fooling around he will warn me not to go down there if he thinks I would be met with an unpleasant surprise. I think he's worried that if I go down there and am met with all that is ball sweat the odds are that I'll think twice

Is it strange that I have absolutely never, ever thought about this?

I can't see it :( I haven't been able to see gifs or pics for days! :(

This is so fucking depressing. Why the hell can't Bristol be supportive of an accomplished woman? What the fuck is the point in trying to tear down Wendy Davis? What is her end game here? All she's doing is showing that she's outrageously immature, mean spirited and an enemy to accomplished woman.

this comment has 12 recommends - why is it still gray?!??!


Agree. I'm also pretty frustrated with the perception that people who actually were bothered by this are all prudes or slaves to patriarchy. Some people are uncomfortable with nudity at inappropriate times and quite frankly, there's nothing wrong with that. That doesn't make me a bad person or a pearl clutching

Lee clutched framed pictures of the sonogram images, saying that’s all she has of her child, who she said was 8.3 milligrams long.

First degree murder for the death of the embryo? That one is probably going to be appealed and is going to be interesting to follow.

I just shared this on my facebook and someone said, "Love it!".

The adult in me most definitely would be unable to work on this, and the little girl still in there that was fat-shamed/had locks put on the cabinets&fridge by her mother/has been battling an ED for the better half of her life would start breaking shit.

I think I'm going to keep the gif open on one of my monitors for the rest of the day.

My anecdotal experience working with women has been the polar opposite! I with it was more aligned with your experience, but unfortunately the female leaders I have had either a) claimed to be feminists but wanted all women to fit the male executive mold to succeed; this may have been because it was investment

I'm confused... What happened to the article about IPOs? It seems to have disappeared?

I'm eager to read the paper (and still have to read the article, so I apologize if this comment is moot), but I would like to see a study where all executive gender information was removed, students them selected which companies to invest in, and then gender was added and slight changes made to the corporate profiles

Blame Canada!

The only parallel I can draw is country club admission. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much money you have; if the membership votes against you then you don't get into the club, case closed. It's not like Versailles is merely a pretty catering hall. I think another piece that's missing is who else have they turned