
I was wondering the same thing...

Nope. At least he put some effort into making humorous comments about each item. Many recent dirt bags are just a link and a few words from the article. This one has more creativity/value add.

This was a great dirt bag, Doug! Thanks for the giggles.

Thoughts from a medical professional....

Can we please talk about the fact that private messages are a thing on Waze? Why do we need to be able to send people messages on every.single.platform? Why on earth am I being harassed via freaking GPS app when trying to get from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible!?!?!?!?

For some reason that's even more depressing to me. I feel used.

Agree. I have a PhD in Molecular Biology & Microbiology and the market for academic positions was extremely competitive, and I wasn't willing to pursue a position outside of a specific geographic area (my own fault, I know). Options were a post-doc of jump right to industry where I wouldn't have made much, and would

I've been disappointed with some of the Jezebel writers for a few reasons, including the fact that they tend to respond only to posts that they feel challenge them as a person or directly attempt to offend or call them out. Basically they only respond with guttural reactions and do not engage in counter discussions

ok, wrong order of words, sorry. I also have many friends and relatives who happen to be gay. I wasn't trying to offend anyone, I just typed a comment quickly and apparently accidentally defined someone by my use of the adjective.

WTF are you talking about?! The issue is that they don't care about the person as an individual and that they assume that because someone is gay they are going to be exact replicas of Jack from Will & Grace. It's treating someone like they are a toy or a tea cup yorkie they want to carry in their purse.

Rather than this being impacted by puberty, there was thoughtful deliberation that occurred prior to the crime. She knew she was inflicting punishment. Perhaps when she started stabbing her blind rage took over and she couldn't control herself, leading in 40 stabs wounds and a dead sister, but at the end of the day

This could very well be right! I confess I don't like the song very much and have only heard it a few times. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong!

I thought she was just singing from the perspective of an ex who still sees the guy she loves, and is basically marking him with her perfume whenever she sees him hoping his current gf smells it? Or maybe I'm just a philistine and missing the deeper message?

I hate that for the most part hollywood has completely reinforced the idea that gay men = girlfriends and that all of them are totally into hobbies/interests that are typically seen as being female orientated (shopping, eating chocolate & gossiping, giggling <I'm kidding>, etc..).

This is absolutely wonderful. We need more, give us more, Swedish marines!!!!!! Ah!!! the bald guy rubbing his head is amazing!!!

Sometimes I think the media plays a huge role in making it seem like gay men are "shopping buddies" and "besties", as if all gay men fit into that one box and share all stereotypical female hobbies. I think the first movie I saw that included a prominent male was "Clueless", and look at how Christian was portrayed.

Many articles here don't hold women accountable for their BS; sometimes it's difficult to read articles because women are not infallible, sometimes we are bitches, and all men aren't misogynistic assholes, and it seems like some of the Jez writers are incapable of calling women out on their own BS and it's like we

Wait, what? Are you seriously saying that the commenters are homophobic? Evidence, please.

Ohhh, I'm going to have to download this! I may love it as much as the plugin that replaces baby pictures with pictures of kittens (or whatever else your heart desires. like pie. or cake.)!

I totally agree with that. I have friends who lament the fact that they don't have gay male friends because it would be "so fun!".