
This is a very interesting & thought provoking article; thank you for sharing.

This is a good point. I lived in Manhattan for years and now live in Westchester County, and I have female friends here that lament the fact that they have no gay male friends because it would be "so fun!".

I wish Michelle Obama would just make her own commercial about healthy eating and activity. Not sure why she has to partner with a corporation to do so. She should totally bring back:

Love Bob's Burgers! It's so underrated. (but I hate that the gifs don't show up in preview since I'm gray :< )

You win the internet today.

The quotes I pulled from the article are about much more than financial aid.

Agree. I feel like if the original letter was from a female complaining about her male friend the response wouldn't be, "awww! give him the benefit of the doubt! maybe he didn't get it the first time!".

Students dealing with eating disorders or depression in college are often basically forced to take a leave of absence by school officials or take time away from the activities that give them support and structure, like athletics. The colleges might present these moves as a measure of protection for the student, but

I agree. My sister suffers from schizophrenia and her university is not in anyway responsible for her mental health, making sure she takes her meds, attends and actively participates in all of her therapy sessions, etc. The school has absolutely nothing to do with that and frankly, we wouldn't want them to be

All of the synonyms are even worse! Ordinary? Typical? Commonplace? Unexceptional? ughhhh, this is a difficult one.

Normal & Proud sounds really, really boring. Petite & proud sounds cute and the others sound sexy. Normal & proud is just so blah!

Is it possible to send a PM on Jezebel? If not, can you give your friend my blog address? It's the easiest way to give someone my contact info without having to post my name or email on here?

yeah, bystander meaning watching, and fine, people are watch and are too scared to intervene or whatnot. Someone that participates in the gang rape is NOT a bystander, they are an active participant.

I think in the UK they publish serving size and also information if the entire receptacle is your serving size. I vaguely recall seeing this in some European countries also.


For some reason IMO the most shocking element of this is that they requested a picture of the applicants' face rather than purely body (or T&A) shots.

my condolences to you and your family. I can only imagine what that was like for all of you. I must admit, I was relieved we found out when we did and that we had options. I know that if I had had the opportunity to meet him, see him in pain, and then bury him, the pain would have been crippling and I certainly

Many an internet whine has been wailed over women who, for some ungodly reason, do not reward the men who are nice to them with sex.

Ahhh, back in the olden days when my husband and I were dating in college and he was home for breaks we used to have phone sex quite frequently. Aww, memories.....