
re: c

I'm sorry but there should be no joy or schadenfreude in watching your ex-husband get caught masturbating on television and then ripped a new one for it. Maybe if there's no kids involved a chuckle is appropriate, but when there are children involved it's just disappointing and unfortunate for all involved and

Sadly, the news outlets are merely giving people what they "want", or what is perceived to increase ratings.

Sadly, the news outlets are merely giving people what they "want", or what is perceived to increase ratings.

Thank you.

At 18 weeks my husband and I learned that our fetus had Dandy-Walker syndrome (basically missing half of his brain and presence of cysts/fluid) and limbs that were measuring weeks behind. After consulting with the top doctors at the Columbia Center for Prenatal Pediatrics, we opted to terminate. The part of his

ok, this made me lol. thanks!

Let's rumble!

And scientists can't be bothered to perform actual research on the former because it's so freaking ridiculous. A better use of research dollars would be trying to figure out what makes someone reach this level of BSC.

Pie is playing dirty by adding adorable puppy pictures to the "pies" google image search results! Pie is a dirty cheater!

Where does the GOP find these people? Do these people actually believe the nonsense that comes out of their mouths, or do they just try to one up each other by arranging a bunch of buzz words in the most offensive (and unsubstantiated) way possible?

That is amazing.

The magical cake fairies increased the font size for you because they're cool like that. They heard the cries of #teamcake and decided to get involved. I don't see any pie fairies helping out team pie....

Cake should be outraged. Pie should be overjoyed that it was not adorned with Justin Bieber's face.

ribcages are overrated.

I'm sorry but the OP doesn't deserve much of our respect.