
Have you read this person's comment history?? I don't think we are going to receive any substantiation for the claims made in the original post.

Considering you also made this comment, "I wish Putin had the balls to tell the imperialists of the West to butt out and leave their propaganda behind when they attend the games." , it's obvious you have a much larger agenda that you're trying to push here and that you are going to do anything to attack the West, even

Fine, then if they couldn't have saved her they could at least have not raped her. Oh, wait, I mean "enjoyed her".

AND PEOPLE WERE WILLING TO PARTAKE!! People were actually willing to "enjoy her"!!! No one saved her and people under their own free will actually raped her! They watched someone rape her, and then THEY raped her!! I'm sorry but what.the.everloving.fuck were these people thinking?!?!? How the hell does a man even get

(I have a feeling we are going to be waiting a long time. Perhaps someone should open a magnum of wine.)

I can't even vocalize a logical argument against this because I am so awed by the fact that you think your anecdotal comments regarding a small, non-differentiated n means anything in this context. Provide some facts, figures and citations and then perhaps this is worth discussing. Until then, please stop spreading

If we continue on that vein...

I've actually received complains from yogis that while my brown hair is a distraction, my red highlights haunt them and keep them from achieving a state of tranquility even hours after class.

I think she deserves compassion, help and our empathy, but at the end of the day she did kill someone. We can examine the details of the case with legal and rational logic, but we cannot 100% remove the emotional and psychological aspect in a case of this nature. I think it's important to collect all of the facts

it sure seems like there was a lot of complicated stuff going on here, and maybe we should make a note of the fact that this KILLER TEEN's 43-year-old boyfriend was having sex with someone below the age of consent and her mom didn't care (???)is dismaying.

This is both hilarious and terrible, but I HATE the negative spin that some are putting on the Time cover. "CAN ANYONE STOP THIS WOMAN FROM TRAMPLING ALL MEN" I'm sorry, but I thought we wanted a woman to become powerful and for once, have the head seat at the table. So, now, there's something suddenly wrong with

I work in drug development. Clinical trials must be gender balanced. If there are trials that "focus on men or only use men" that is because there is a huge dichotomy in the incidence rate between the genders (like breast cancer) or because the disease is specific to a sex organ (testicular/ovarian cancer). The FDA

I said "merely art" as a context for his mother who may perceive it as drag or transgender tendencies. It was not to deflate the importance of art or its meaning, or the meaning behind this artistic work. For someone who has watched their sibling transition and how their life has been ripped apart by abuse, assault,

I most be taking crazy pills, but I'm not seeing this ad as saying that women must be shaved in order to have someone go down there. I feel like these idiots just struggled to stay within the theme of oral sex innuendos and decided to go with "shave" to show a decrease in prices rather than "slash" or "cut", because,

Okay, good, so I'm not the only one whose mind went there.

If anything I think it's sort of funny (in a sad way) that I learned about DWL in the context of increasing the minimum wage and not Veblen goods. I feel like that reinforces so many stereotypes about business school.

All this does is give her PR people articles to find about her, which make them think she's still relevant. We need to stop feeding the troll.

.... I know what deadweight loss is, I mean, my comment stated that I learned about it in business school. I was simply staring that the conversation made me want to go back and read about it again. Apologies for my vagueness.

Great, now I want to pull out all my Econ notes on deadweight loss. But, I think the example about creating deadweight loss that was used in business school was increasing the minimum wage, not Veblen goods.

Can we stop giving this woman attention? I feel like everytime I see her name I begin twitching with rage.