
I'm surprised there weren't a million shots fired when this happened. All those deadly pieces of popped corn flying around. Someone may get grease on their shoe. OR THEIR NEW SHIRT!

I suffer from vertigo and seeing it in IMAX 3D was miserable for me. So, if you suffer from vertigo or car sickness I do recommend seeing it On Demand. ;)

I know they go through the same training, but that doesn't mean that every single one of them will react the same mentally while actually in space and then untethered and drifting around in vast nothingness. I think they tried to show that Sandra Bullock's character had underlying issues that perhaps made her panic a

But Sandra Bullock's character wasn't a true career astronaut. She's a medical doctor who ended in up space because of a specific project/technology that she was working on that was applied to the spacecraft. I wouldn't compare her to George Clooney's character, who had been up in space many times before and who

Haven't seen American Hustle, but I have a hard time stomaching movies that show way too much gratuitous nude/half naked/etc. female to help drive ticket sales. For those that have seen the movie, does it fit into the aforementioned category?

When I was working on a clinical program in Alzheimer's Disease I did a bit of research into AARP to determine if my company should partner with them. Yeah, definitely didn't happen. Amongst other things, their corporate and legal entity structure is incredibly shady, which means they're doing some pretty acrobatic

I think I would like it better with a nude foundation rather than white. Love it from the front though, she looks great! For some reason I can also picture Britney in this dress.

I think I was able to tolerate it until some of the overly gratuitous scenes with Rob Schneider's daughter (I forget who played her). For some reason the scenes and the way they used her character really, really pissed me off and I couldn't get past it.

I am so, SO happy to see that Grown Ups 2 was nominated for Worst Picture. My husband and I tried to watch the first but shut it off after 30min because it was so stupid. We were both shocked and disappointed that it did well enough that the directors thought there was a market for a second.

that was a damn shitty oncologist. Your friend should have had a tunneled catheter such as a Hickman or a port-o-cath. I'm so sorry he had to suffer so severely.

Be careful, last time I used sanity, logic and suggested that this is fake I was basically called a racist apologist and told to die!

Putting Kate Upton's cover next to this cover would probably be comical.

Oh, I'm not proposing it as a solution to the problem! I'm sorry if it came off that way. I agree with all your points & concerns.

As a professional in the STEM area, I would definitely take time out of my day to teach an AP level course, or at least advise on labs. I work with the Pencil Program in NYC to increase student interest in the sciences, which includes teaching labs and giving lectures on what a degree in the sciences actually means

and, as others pointed out, AP comp sci may have only been offered at an all boys private school or something of that nature.

This is anecdotal obviously, but maybe it will make you feel a microscopic bit better? My doctoral program in Molecular Genetics & Microbiology accepted 3 students - all were female! :) Then, when I went to business school, my class was 53% male and 47% female - not quite 50:50, but closer than previous years!

I completely agree! I met my husband in college, but we chatted online for a few months before we actually met in person. We saw maybe 2 pictures of each other before we actually met. I think that if I had met him on the street or at a party first I probably would have thought he was cute, but after all our late

We need more people like you!

I made a similar comment, that looking at it as organic vs. non-organic is actually a privileged view, so I tried to focus on this quote from the article:

Most of us, given the chance and the cash, would buy all-organic everything.