
That's a good compromise, but these restaurants really don't get that many cancellations. People plan entire trips around dining at restaurants such as this.

This is wonderful. My husband always complains when I put clothes on our cats, but armor??? pppffttt, that's just awesome.

From a business perspective I do not think that banning children would really hurt their bottom line. 3 michelin star restaurants are about the cuisine, the presentation, the innovation; to many people they are just as much art as they are sustenance. It's an experience, and when dining at these restaurants they

Agree! These meals are meant to be a leisurely experience that in most cases can be enjoyed over 3+ hours.

I'm so happy I deleted my G+ account.

I did NOT defend him. Thinking that it's wrong to seek someone out and punch them is NOT defending them. My feelings about violence do NOT mean that I think the racist was right.

"You know what fuck You all, people who believe it's our fault if people treat us like we are crap can just die as far as I'm concerned."

I don't agree with your first comment, but I do agree with this one. I hate to say it, but once Kanye actually sought this guy out and punched him, in the racists' mind everything he said was validated. When you punch someone who can in no way understand why you are doing so because their hatred for you is so

Agree. I don't think any group should be telling another group whether or not they should be offended by (or to what degree they should be offended by) a term that is traditionally used to insult and dehumanize a group of people.

Exactly. I can understand a bit more if someone says it point blank to your face and you absolutely cannot channel the rage you feel against them and you just deck them, but seeking them out to do it is different.

Thank you :) I love when other people appreciate his name!

absolutely not.

Wait, didn't she say this before with the whole "I'm still Jenny from the block" schpiel? How often does she have to remind people she's still "real"?

I can't, I can't, I can't. The videos of the assault make me cry, seeing pictures of the victim make me cry, and the verdict makes me want to vomit. There was no justice served in this case for the victim, his family, or others that suffer or care for individuals suffering from mental illness. Instead loved ones

Benzene got quite jealous of the squeeing and proceeded to do this...

I needed this after reading that the Fullerton cops that caused the death (read: basically beat to death) of the homeless schizophrenic man were found innocent.

very well said.

... or a setup to make kanye look like the amazing savior so he can begin rebranding himself or trying to somewhat repair his image?

... and to follow the guy into a waiting room to make sure you act out your violent rage. Not try to talk to him, or be the bigger person and just walk the fuck away, but to take note of which doctor's office he went in and then go punch him.

What is going on here!?!!?