
Some people who lose that late want the opportunity to touch/meet/hold the baby they carried for 9 months. My best friend lost at 35 weeks, and they offered her the opportunity to hold the baby, telling her that if she said no she may always regret it/never forgive herself, but she opted not to and is still

Am I the only one who tries to dress a bit demure for funerals? Not necessarily boring, but a bit subdued and nothing that would show cleavage. Not slut shaming here, just wondering if funeral attire is evolving.

When this happened to me I told my high-risk obgyn that we are lucky to be in CT/NY (she was in CT and I am in NY, and I was referred to a Columbia-NY Presbyterian for the confirmation appointment). She became, so, SOOOOO angry and went on a tirade about the exact politicians you mention. If the woman has a voodoo

Much to my dismay/devastation, this past July/August, I became a member of that 2% club (initial diagnosis came at 18 weeks, but took about 2 extra weeks for subsequent testing with multiple experts and actual surgery). My husband I were experiencing grief and despair on a level that I had previously thought was

Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm not sure if he was afraid to challenge her and thought that they should appear as a cohesive unit, or he thought it just wasn't his place to get involved. I like to think he didn't think of it as a form of child abuse, because some part of my brain needs to believe that both my parents

I very much appreciate the sentiment, but have a feeling it will be awhile before another ED story makes the main page. Though, I guess I could focus on the elements of child abuse in putting locks on the cabinets, etc.

It's horrifying in that it's a reality of the disease and the state of mind one takes on when they are deep in depths of the disorder.

When I was really deep in my ED or in recovery, seeing other people's weights was a huge trigger as it became a competition. That's also why group therapy doesn't always work for all ED patients. If weight was mentioned, a trigger warning should have been included. I haven't seen my weight in years; I'm weighed

You are clueless.

Congrats on 15 years, that's quite an accomplishment.

I think you hit the nail on the head.

Considering I went on to earn my PhD & MBA, have a happy healthy marriage, survived the loss of what would have been our first child at 20 weeks gestation, AND manage to still be walking with my head high, hope for the future and didn't fall apart at the seams; I would say I handle a "real problem" pretty damn well.

Please don't feel embarrassed by the weights you listed; they were your reality and this excellent piece is about your reality. You owe no apologies for sharing your battle and the weight/numbers that you experienced with and through it.

I think there has been research on this indicating there is a genetic component, but that it's also a combination of nature and nurture that can trigger the genetic component, though a person can be more easily "triggered" if the underlying building blocks are already there. I should know about this since I am a

I can related to this on so many levels, and it's heartbreaking.

I hate change, and the last few months, or rather year has been overwhelming. Anyone out there have any tips for dealing with change? This year has just been a rollercoaster, and I want off. I feel like the bad change has already happened; my therapist encourages me to see the opportunity in change, and my husband

Does anyone else want to scream anytime Marie Osmand's Nutrisystem commercial comes on the TV?! I abhor this commercial more than I can even begin to say. No sustainable diet is packaged food forever (you can pry my macaroni & cheese from my cold dead hands), and her reaction to the normal version is makes me want

She looks amazing! Love batcat!

Congrats!!! I'm happy to share pics of my cat in his costumes from the last few years. No awards here, but he's a little cutie! :)

... I feel so dirty now. :(