
Farrah makes me so ill. I wish the media would just forget she exists and leave her with her career in magazines like 'Girls and Corpses'.

I think people are more pissed off because the action was done by someone who also said, "“It’s healthy that we have a break,” she says of being away from her daughter. “She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I’m doing mine,” Farrah adds.

For some reason this just makes me sad.

I understand the fury regarding the Marine vs. soldier comment, but I think he meant "soldiers" as inclusive of all branches of the military. But, yes, in this context if he was referring to only the Marines, Marine and not soldier would have been appropriate.

(redacted - duplicate!)

I want the Georgia O'Keeffe painting uniform for Halloween.

Most of this is actually great advice and should be directed at both sexes, not just women. I was actually coached on my pitch and tendency to finish sentences on an "up note"; the small class was compromised of both male and female students with the same problem. We do hit different "notes" so perhaps a female's up

Not blessed in the brain department, but apparently he's blessed in the penile department as it's bigger than his three year old son's!

I don't think forcing the child to change another element of his life, perhaps the only one that is now a constant, is the answer in this situation. The child needs some sort of consistency; his family fell apart, he's shuttled between parents and now it's possible his mother is using him as a guise to extort more

I wonder if dancing around with a Cher doll counts...

Usually former class president's are still involved in the alumni community and receive messages from the school that they are supposed to relay to their former classmates (at least that's how it works at my alma mater). This happens for reunions, homecoming, and any other event where large amounts of alumni are

I certainly doubt they would include that verbiage in all the annual giving pledge drives and appeals for donations from alumni.

I had no idea there was such an issue with rape/sexual assault at Amherst. The fact that you refer to yourself as a "survivor" speaks volumes - was the culture on campus rape culture? As a woman, did you feel unsafe on campus?

yes, but that's a major economical issue for them. alumni = donations. if you exclude all alumni from events you will certainly see loyalty and donations decrease. Yes, if someone has a history of sexual assault/rape/etc. you can try to keep them from entering or just keep them off the invite list, but the chances

Yeah, I also didn't see this as a rape warning. I thought it was more of a heads up that they may get hit on by some creepy, drunk alumni looking to relive their college days (which I sincerely hope did not include rape), and that all students should be on the look out and avoid these drunks at all costs. And also

I must be naive, but I had to read these horrible lyrics multiple times to realize he was even referencing blow jobs. I truly hope this isn't his version of sexy talk. Then again, considering his target demographic, maybe this is sexy to them? *shudder*

I work in pharma (PhD & MBA and have a bit of say in early commercial/marketing development for products early in development, though not actual marketing/ad materials since I don't work in late stage) and I have mixed feelings about this. Beyond the thought that it's supposed to help a company increase its bottom

I work in pharma (PhD & MBA and have a bit of say in early commercial/marketing development for products early in development, though not actual marketing/ad materials since I don't work in late stage) and I have mixed feelings about this. Beyond the thought that it's supposed to help a company increase its bottom

I work in pharma (PhD & MBA and have a bit of say in early commercial/marketing development for products early in development, though not actual marketing/ad materials since I don't work in late stage) and I have mixed feelings about this. Beyond the thought that it's supposed to help a company increase its bottom

My doctor has always sent me for ultrasounds when I thought I felt a lump (one was a cyst, the other scar tissue from my breast reduction), so I'm yet to have the true mammogram experience (I'm only 30, so not yet a yearly thing for me). I am absolutely dreading it and these cookies are making me more apprehensive!