
I was a victim of pretty harsh bullying in 7th grade, and my cousin (also a classmate) was the ring leader. I'll never forget the teacher keeping us all after school one day to try to get to the bottom of why all the girls were either ignoring me or making fun of me. At least when it happened to me there was no

It has to be a sheet cake decorated to look like Candy Land. He hopes cake AND candy land will bring all the girls to his gold plated yard.

I'm thinking sheet cake.

"If Maryville has any parallels to Steubenville, it's this: you might think we all would have learned something by now. Apparently not."

Those are actually pictures of my cat. He doesn't really mind being "dressed", which could be because he often wears a harness (he's an indoor cat but I occasionally take him on "walks"), or it could be because he just doesn't give a shit (in honey badger fashion). Though, I will say, sometimes once the costume is on

"There is nothing cuter than a dog in a Halloween costume. Or, no, a baby in a Halloween costume riding a dog in a Halloween costume. That's the only thing better."

I'm 30 and neither wear make-up nor do crazy things with my hair. My mother never wore make-up, my friends merely dabbled, and I had no interest in learning how to apply it. Now I sometimes feel bad that I am clueless when it comes to application, but I just opt to get my make-up professionally done for events and

Can someone just elaborate on this for me?? I see it in multiple posts and don't really agree with it. Women can also shave/wax their upper lip, wax hair on the side of their face, etc. Make-up is addition of actual color to your face. Fake eyelashes are exactly that - fake. How is make-up the same as the below?

This is intriguing because she knew she was potentially building a house of cards (one that may or may not fall) and wasn't willing to let him see the real physical her. Maybe he also felt deceived by the fact that she went to such ridiculous lengths to hide herself from him? And, to be fair, she did somewhat pull

Her nose looks soooo different with all the contouring. It looks like a different nose. I must learn this witchcraft as I abhor my nose.

I don't wear make-up normally, but do get it professionally done(fake eyelashes and all) for weddings, charity balls/galas, sometimes bachelorette parties, etc. I look completely different with contouring and fake eyelashes; even my husband says it. If I met a man at an event I was "done up" for and met him for a dare

Supply & demand will support the ticket price. Plus, it's supposed to be an exclusive event, so I have a difficult time being angry or insulted by the ticket price. Yes, it's a huge percent increase, but if the market supports it, so be it.

Or you can juts go all in with this "sexy" candyland ensemble.

I know a few guys in their 30's who claim not to watch porn. I do agree that there are men out there that don't fit into the whole "all men watch porn" box.

... and the other 75% admitted they have a hard time being honest when taking surveys.

Unfortunately due to a kinja epic fail I can't edit a comment due to the fact Kinja crashed (or at least mine did).

Unfortunately due to a kinja epic fail I can't edit this comment due to the fact Kinja crashed (or at least mine did).

You're assuming that people that do not look like celebrities will be the ones posting naked pictures of themselves. Or, that we would move to a world where people with imperfect bodies wouldn't be shamed for posting their naked pictures. I'm not sure that's going to happen overnight. Also, I've seen lots of "photo


Wonder what "everyone having naked selfies online" will do for body image and body dysmorphia. Will one be unable to get a date via if they don't include a naked selfie? Will that serve as a warning sign that the person is either "fat" or a "prude" and thus under serving of a message? I can only image HR