
Thanks. I was lucky enough to have not one, but multiple amazing mentors in my life who encouraged me to pursue my passion for genetics, but the passion evolved while I was in school, hence the second degree. Also, I was the first in my family to even go to college, so I think I was just determined to have a wall

.. and in an attempt to encourage this, many business schools actually have programs to help those who go into non-profit or social entrepreneurship pay back their loans.

Considering that not all MBA students/holders aspire to be CEOs this statistic really doesn't mean the degree is a joke. When my class was polled a very small minority of students actually said their goal was to be a CEO. There are lots of metrics one can use to call "MBAs kind of a joke", but this statistic is not

I'm sorry but the article is wrong on so many levels it's actually disgusting (and rather anti-ovary owners for that matter).

... Wait, she's actually fed? ;)

I can picture Kate Middleton in the blue/mint bottom most dress on the left and the rose colored one right above it.

Let me play the worlds smallest violin for the residents of Steubenville who want to sto thinking about the poor victim... You created and reinforced the culture that allowed football players to act like animals, above the law; it's about time you feel some empathy and responsibility for the ramifications allowing

It looks like it takes a crazy amount of chewing for even a tiny portion of grass to be consumed.

Please post a video of yourself trying to see the tattoo!

At least they post players names and not "Lastname 1" and "statistic 1". Red Zone earned the Week 2 epic fail award.

Maybe his frat brothers tattooed him while passed out and this post will expose the tattoo prank? I just can't rationalize it any other way.

Lastname 1 beat and lost to Lastname 1.

I think the father is actually doing something that's going over even his head. He's teaching his daughter, that unfortunately, many people judge a person by their appearance and their attire. I know this is an uncomfortable truth, but to believe this doesn't happen is absolutely naive. In an ideal world, yes, it

Jezebel is a bit extreme when it comes to "slut shaming".

I love the fact that these students recognize the song for what it is, but hate the fact that they resorted to censorship.

"Shining laser pointers at American players."

"And next time you've got a free night for socializing, get together with some fellow commoners and celebrate the glory of the proletariat by storming a castle or drinking PBR or both."

I love the little tongue, but this video is sort of painful because I just want someone to stop laughing and help the adorable kitten!!

Also, regarding the exoneration list, I have a feeling that many of those individuals were exonerated due to DNA evidence and the advances in DNA fingerprinting technology. In the case in question, the DNA evidence was rather damning. I understand that you do not necessarily believe the DNA evidence to be "valid",

Thanks :) Also, re: your avatar, I am a huge fan of Top Gear. The US Top Gear doesn't hold a candle to the original UK show. The host dynamics (and challenges) make that show amazing, even for us non-car enthusiasts.