
So then you are 100% against the death penalty?

As I have made no comments about I feel about the death penalty in this thread, and in others I actually said I'm not for the death penalty, I'm not sure why you are asking me these questions.

I'm a she! :)

The difference is that these boys actually acted on the primal, premeditated desire to rape her. Then they went far beyond raping her and treated her as if she was some sort of toy; they completely dehumanized her. So let's say these men do not get the death penalty; they instead get prison and rehabilitation. How

"Just out of curiosity, do you always wish for the death of people whose guilt you can't know? Are you wishing someone dead right now?"

Sorry, that should read, "don't trust that the evidence was placed there by the perps".

The fact that they were calling for other men to stand with them in solidarity makes me think they still feel no remorse or feel that their actions were wrong. *sigh* I'm truly not a fan of the death penalty, but when a perverse belief like this is so ingrained in a culture, one has to wonder if rehabilitation is

Just saw your comments on "Here's the Deal with the Navy Rape Trial Happening this Weekend". Out of curiosity, do you always defend rapists? Also, I saw in the below comments that you don't trust DNA evidence. As a molecular geneticist, I'm intrigued by this statement. Is it merely that you don't trust that the

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"which caused him to have a slight erection which can be easily noticed through his pants."

Also, are you inferring that these men may not be guilty!?!

I did not in anyway slander the families of murder victims. I was merely saying that for some, the death penalty is justice. I'm actually not in favor of the death penalty, but as I said in my previous posts, "proper justice" is likely a relative term.

I'm not sure there was anyway this trial or crime would be treated with what one would define to be "proper standards of justice". And, "proper standards of justice" is probably a relative term. For the victims family and friends, I'm pretty sure that everything you outlined in your post as being improper standards


I think the dress s pretty, but doesn't fit her properly. The bunching around the ribs makes it seem ill fitting.

Want it all in my closet. Now. While I am making lettuce wraps.

miley chose to skip the whole hooters waitress uniform and just go sans pants. and bra?

I'm sure there will be lots of naked breasts in the movie, as that's typical with just about every movie these days. The question is, how could they make the sex appeal to women, the core audience of their book, with an "R" rating. That is, if women are going to see the movie just for the sex, which you seem to be

The storyline was terrible and the sex scenes got redundant and annoying mid way through the second book; I did read the trilogy because I like to finish what I start. Honestly, IMO, the sex scenes were somewhat a turn on in the first book, but just got played out, especially the more Anna's inner goddess spoke; I

"We're all VERY excited about the Fifty Shades of Grey movie, as the chance to see some real live fake sex on the big screen just doesn't come often enough. To that end, we're also very concerned that some of the best real live fake sex from the book won't make it on to the big screen, as the filmmakers have indicated