
The public gave her exactly what she wanted in terms of "making history" - and we should be a bit disappointed in ourselves for that. Even if it is just "temporary history".

When I forwarded this to a female friend who just happens to be a pediatrician, she automatically said it's related to specialty. As a molecular geneticist who trained with the MD students during clinicals, I can say that in my small sample set the mn were more interested in specialties that yielded more money,

Thank you for sharing this article. I have suffered from eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia and ED-NOS) for almost 75% of my life and have found that it controls so much of my life. I know it's an overstated cliche, but for me it's a never ending attempt to grasp control, while concurrently losing control. I've

Can Jezebel please stop discussing / devoting posts to this woman?

First, let's hope for a healthy baby and delivery. We can worry about his/her penchant for fashion once he/she enters the world healthy with the ability to exercise free will.

I so hope this 14 year old girl gets her "Pretty Woman" moment one day. Whether she walks in with bags of plus size or traditional size clothes doesn't matter, I just want her to have the chance to say, "Big mistake. HUGE mistake." , and walk out with her head held high.

Beyond the fact that you're being purposely obtuse by continuing to make this issue bout you and your foot size instead of the fact that a teenager was told she's too fat to even set foot in a store, I'd just like to say my MIL is a size 5 and LOVES it because she gets tons of designer shoes on clearance. So, yeah,

The look on Peyton's face is perfect.

In addition to my other comment, I want to call this out separately.

A huge part of "pretty" is genetics and what society is currently calling "pretty". I hate when genetics is left out of these conversations, because the face, while a "blank canvas" without make up, is far from that. Bone structure, eye and nose shape, curvatures, they are all there, and even without "make up" the

I am so, so sorry for your loss. I wish I could virtually hug you. There are other words of comfort I would like to share, but I will say, if you opted to terminate for the mentioned medical reasons, what you gave your daughter was the ultimate act of love, compassion and bravery. You decided to carry the pain with

in some cases it's also a big fuck you to what the fetus needs - in my case we found out in the second trimester that our fetus was missing a large portion of his brain. to have that child would have been a big "fuck you" to him and most definitely not an act of love as he would have been a vegetable his entire life.

There were sections of lyrics that really resonated with me, and others that made me roll my eyes. I think underneath this parody there is a really strong message that needs to continue to reach society as a whole, but I fear that it is going to miss the mark because it does talk about castration/emasculation, and

Grown men are apparently powerless to resist females the second they hit puberty, yet a huge portion of society wants us to just continue to give men more power. Ugh.

The mere fact that people feel the need to continuously make excuses for these men and their actions, and the massive hysteria and outrage that occurs in response to stat rape and people who defend it, in and of itself is proof that we inherently know the behavior is wrong. Sometimes I think these people just live to

Thank you all for your kinds words.

My husband and I had to make the difficult decision to terminate for medical reasons (TFMR) my pregnancy at 20 weeks because our son was missing half of his brain (among other malformations). 9/2 will be one month since we said good-bye; and is also the estimated due date from the embryo we lost at ~6ish weeks in

Perhaps she can also sleep with my husband (chore?) and we can eventually have our own show on HBO.