
For some reason I didn't think Mindy Kaling would wear Sperry Top-Siders.

Between this squirrel, and the "itinerant squirrel" on the golf course, I think they want their chance. Bring it cuties! Either that or they're going all honey badger.

I lost my child, conceived from love, at 20 weeks gestations. Stories like this absolutely break my heart on so, soooo many levels.

I read it with a Borat accent.... Once it was in my head I couldn't stop it.

If someone hit my cat I'd probably be in jail right now. Ain't nobody got time for that special kind of evil.

Just no.

Honestly, I feel like including the registry links is a bit unnecessary and almost promoting them. If one is that curious, they'll find it on Amazon.

This reminds me of the football game where some guy dropped the ball and did his touchdown dance at the 1 yard line.

*hangs head in shame*

I think I am going to be sick....

I wonder if that system actually leads to a better conviction rate than the US. (I could do the research, but I confess that I'm a bit lazy right now.)

This is so pathetic that the only response I can fathom is, "bite me." . These right-wing psychos deserve nothing more than that. They don't even deserve a logical rebuttal because it will Judy go over their heads or they'll tune out anyway. So, yes, bite me.

Is this some sort of Katy Perry alter ego? I didn't even recognize her.

I love Selena's gown and wish that a) I could pull it off and b) it was acceptable to just wear it around the house, or for running errands, because I would totally want to wear it everywhere.

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification.

Too perfect. Plus, combined, their expressions adequately represent the phases of my reaction to her performance. Her obsession with her tongue and grinding are quite unattractive. She sounds terrible and is acting like she belongs at a seedy strip club.

Fantastic performance, but I hate that she felt the need to come out in next to nothing at the end of the sing. It felt like, it was like each costume change was to get applause or "earn applause" or however you want to phrase it, and then bang a woman in a thong and shell bra is bang at the end to get all the

I kept waiting for snacks to be stolen...

Isn't this lawsuit violating his wife and daughter's liberty?

I'm more of a french cruller or cinnamon bun kind of girl. Could the croissants at least be pain au chocolat? Or, french macarons?