
Jezebel is not a feminist website. Making fun of birth defects and genital abnormalities of any sex is not a feminist activity. This site is becoming the fucking WORST.

People will basically do anything to try and excuse the fact that he was a human being with culturally-ingrained prejudices who tapped into those of the people he led and encouraged in their bigotry and arrogant self-regard.

I get that this article is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, but the body-shamey tone is rubbing me the wrong way (no pun intended...seriously). I just feel icky laughing at genital abnormalities that cause people shame and/or suffering.

I’m not disputing your conclusions, I just came here to say, this condition is operable these days. The son of friends of ours was born with this (the ‘distal’ part, not the micro part) and it was corrected when he was still a baby.


Body positivity! Unless we don’t like someone! Then make fun of their body!

My wife likes to do it cause she likes my reaction when she walks back in which is always great even if the said clothes only last for a little bit.

We have a 9-year-old. Twice a week for us is “someone is drinking too much.” ;)

Trust me he doesn’t care about the scars. It took forever to convince my wife that I still found her sexy after the birth of our son. She thought I was put off by the stretch marks and saggy stomach. but on the contrary I still found her as hot as when we first started dating.

One very happy and satisfied lady here in a long-term marriage. I just asked my husband, whom I adore and desire, whether we should incorporate lingerie. He said, “Why? It just gets in the way.”

THIS. I like the idea of lingerie. I just can’t figure out when I’m supposed to put it on?

We also have a Captain Cockblock, but his sister and commanding officer “Major Bellyache” is just as bad.

I’m going to disagree because shit happens (job losses, miscarriages, parents/ friends deaths, illness, parenting challenging kids) and even the best relationships have rocky patches. Tips on how to deal when the communication and/ or the sex stops because of life’s downs can be helpful.

I call my 3 year old Captain Cockblock.

I wear lingerie once in a while. It's fun. And it makes me feel sexy which is hard after 20+ years together, two kids, working all day, etc. But usually it's after work mom clothes coming off. - yoga pants and oversized t-shirts.

Yup, been married for 10 years and together in total for 18. We both have jobs and two lovely kids. Twice a week is pretty average for us, sometimes we manage three or even four - we think we are pretty cool on those weeks. Other weeks we are just happy to snuggle in bed watching something on TV, on those weeks we are

I know what it is. I’ve always secretly suspected that Barack Obama smells really, really frickin’ good. Just like a naturally calming, light kind of scent like baby powder and honey, with a faint note of clove for example.

I would totally jump all over Matt Silver Fox Leblanc, David Schwimmer looks okay, I guess, but Matthew Perry looks like hell. Like he sleeps in a dumpster clutching a bottle of Ripple. Yikes.

“Kanye would destroy Trump!” Says Kanye. “The Donald will destroy Kanye!” Says Trump.