
Thank you! He’s a very happy little boy who plays often and nicely with our Jewish neighbors!

Yes, my son had it, most babies are operated on from ages 6 months-2 years old (and why I take such deep offense to this “article”). Its a very routine surgery if you’re a pediatric urologist. It also heals quickly. So far no post-op complications. You know, except for “feminists” advertising his condition as possible

“Liberal dick”


Wow, so making fun of birth defects is totally and 100% OK because one person who had a birth defect turned out to be a mass murderer. Lets go make fun of some downs syndrome kids and kids with cleft palates. My son had hypospadius and had to have surgery for it at six months old. Its not so funny when you’re sitting

well, I don’t think thats a sexist sentiment. Thats pretty much how my husband and I feel. Although, like other commenters, I do think it would be “fun” once and a while.

we have a toddler. twice a week is a lot for us.

I’m very surprised by the emphasis on incorporating lingerie as the part of sex that makes both men and women happy. . .my husband and I tend to be wearing our flannel pajamas and then . . .not wearing our pajamas for sexy times. We’re not opposed to lingerie, just lazy. Informal survey — does anyone actually say “let

I have a yooooge headache just thinking about this.

What a timely article. I am on day 28 right now, waiting to see if I need to take a pregnancy test tomorrow. (Good news either way — on the one hand, my career is stressing the f out of me right now, and on the other hand, my husband and I really want #2 to happen at some point).

See, claiming a PhD is where he lost it for me. That was a reach, kid. You got greedy.

I looked up Blac Chyna’s wikipedia page. One of her first starts was working on Minaj’s music videos as a body double, I think. So its not a coincidence!

The math dosn’t work with that Kim Kardashinan piece. Like, if she was 140 pre-pregnancy, and gained 60 pounds during her pregnancy (as the dailymail tells me), then she has actually LOST 15 pounds since giving birth if she is now at 185. Soooooooooo . . .in other words, a “story” about a women slowly and gradually

yeah, I know happily married people who also don’t share bedrooms for the snorings, etc. (and if my husband didn’t sleep like a pallet of logs I’m sure he’d be bothered my my nightsweats and snoring). Anyway, that tidbit means nothing. NOTHING!

Your skin and scalp adjust oil production to the amount of stimulation they receive. I’ve gradually cut down on washing my hair, now I only wash once or twice a week in the winter because that’s the only time it looks/feels greasy.

This is pedantic, but Robin Lawley, who is 6'2” and 180 pounds and a size 12, was previously featured in the SI: Swimsuit issue. So this is not the first time that a “plus size model” has been featured in the magazine. However, this only goes to prove how ridiculous the term “plus size model” is because, at 6'2" and a

He’s hard to hate when I hear him talk. He’s just so young. I kind of want to give him a warm glass of milk and a cookie, tuck him in, and say “Young man, please lose your entourage and go to college. Or go on an extended service trip to a place where no one knows you. Or be a janitor in Antartica. The life you lead

I just want to clarify for those who do not know, the same Catholic doctrine about preserving life “cradle to grave” that make many Catholics anti-abortion, is also anti-death penalty. It is wildly inconsistent, for someone so attached to doctrine (religious or constitutional) for him to be so against the former and

Its true. Getting through a gross, barfy, poopy sickness together seems like “the moment” for a lot of couples. You’re vulnerable, you’re miserable, you’re tired . . .you’re really, really not sexy.

Even though the song is not “for” white america, she clearly wants white middle america to pay attention to it, otherwise she would not have performed it at the superbowl. She’s smart. And I’m glad, as a white person who is still concerned about racism in America, to have watched it, and been like “I don’t get it. I