

Right? like, I’m a size 8/10 and my stomach is waaaaaay, uh, “lumpier” (?) more textured (?) than this. I mean, but no, they can’t have fat actually look like fat!

Definitely wealthy to the point where she got a leg up in the industry. Her parents worked in the finance industry and owned a christmas tree farm. I don’t get the impression that it was celebrity levels of rich, however. The different between, like, working “in finance” but not actually being the owners or partners

I don’t know what your discipline is, but in mine, PhDs are produced at twice the rate of job openings. And then there is a backlog of PhDs from the last 5 years who applying to those jobs as well. The market is very very uncertain (I am in an ivy league top 10 program, I have publications and prestigous grants as do

you’re the best!! I wish my brother or sister in law did this!

Bodies don’t lie.

Me, Remy and Jackie Sharp are a threesome I could get behind. I mean in the middle of? Both.

Looks like there are no windows that open or natural light? Ugh, I would want to cut my ear off too.

My initial reaction “Who are those two drug addicts?”

Okay, okay, you’re consistent! Thats cool! It dosn’t mean those who still enjoy an R Kelly song or a Subway sandwich are devoid of empathy though . . . I’m glad you’re passionate.

I like your spunk.

“I believe I can fly” is a wonderful song. Sometimes shitty people create beautiful art. Do you also boycott every movie that has as douchebag actor or actress in it?

I know! Shoes . . .custom raw denim jeans . . .groceries . . .oh man, now my brain has kicked in and I’ve started getting boring. Back to toilet paper.

Hahaha, the timing of this is perfect, I was just texting with my friend who is moving to a new apartment that *dosn’t* have mice in the refrigerator, and I was like “You need to tell Gwenyth Paltrow about this. She can write about in GOOP.”

right, just to add to the conversation, there is Creole with a Capital C (what you are describing) and creole lowercase c just means the unique cultures created in (Latin) American slave societies that had African, indigenous, and European mixture of elements.

Thanks for sharing that, it really was beautiful. I had never heard the term “Bama” before, used positively or negatively (not that I am going to start using it myself) but I loved his recitation of history.

The previews made it look so fun! I research early modern history and I love soap opera-y costume dramas, so I am prime audience-goer for that sort of thing. But it was boring. So, so boring.

I want to punch Ted Cruz in the face much, much more than Donald Trump. They both think that they are completely right in that insufferable asshole way, but Ted Cruz thinks he’s completely RIGHTEOUS as well.

Ted Cruz is omniscent, don’t you know? He was also able to see—from outerspace— how NASA data proving global warming are totally misinterpreted.

What genre is this? Is this like the time I watched “Closer” and thought that someone was going to get murdered at any moment?