
Like the time I invited everyone into my dorm to watch Sohia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette. Cringe.

Me, Robyn, Ellen, Portia, George and Amal are all going to have a great dinner party. Robyn might have to bring dates for herself and me. As long as its not Leo. I don’t think she’d invite him anyway, but I bet he would just RUIN IT.

Oh, dude, I definitely agree that they ought to face legal consequences. . .I’m just not happy about it because I know that the attention of a court case is just encouraging their behavior rather than “correcting” it, as our legal and correctional system is supposed to do. The best outcome is that they are found

Getting the legal system involved just increases their self-righteous martyr narrative, so I take little joy in their arrests.

Any publicity is good publicity. Also, if they are actually filming in Atlantic City, it’ll be a boon to the economy.

You know me, I just got off work as a mid-level cubical jockey, and I’m just trying to quit cigarettes, negging women at bars, cheating on my wife! Living life!

Vape pen, Fedora, ugly-ass tie and the wedding ring! I’m really confused about the confluence of these four accessories. Like, just trying to hit all potential demographics? Or just one really bad demographic?

That picture alone makes me relate to Anne Hathaway a lot more (not that I hated her previously . . . but just the other day I was thinking to myself, and made this face, and my husband caught me and was like “are you thinking about something that grosses you out? Whats going on?”)

Thank you! Mostly, my husband is a gem because he is very kind, forgiving and earnest. May those be #relationshipgoals for all. But his terrible impression of Paul Hollywood is the endearing cherry on top.

Yep. While they pretty much detain and do a full cavity and bag search on anyone who is visibly pregnant and who wants to go through the normal scanner instead of the spinning scanner . . .not talking from experience or anything. . .BOOOOO TSA. . . .

I have a PhD. There is a common phenomenon in my Humanities PhD program of tons of people (women and men alike) marrying medical doctors (again, women and men). My theory is that this maintains both smart peoples’ egos since they are such distinct and non-overlapping fields. Although the MDs will always make more

If anyone ever tells me anything a bad about bryan cranston, I will cry and my heart will be broken forever (and I’ve only watched, like three episodes of Breaking Bad so my love for him is based on all the completely random other shit he’s done).

yeah, it really bothered me that he was only making out with her. If its a song about both fucking and fighting . . .then the black woman with spikes coming out of her face obviously only represents the bad fighting part of it. BOOOOOOOOOO.

yeah, if everyone can’t agree that “child slavery and prostitution is BAD” I don’t really know what we can agree on . . .

I have only recently learned, through a friend of mine who had a deformation in her uterus, how hard it is to adopt (double income married family, well educated, no criminal record, already have a child together, yada yada). Even though they would have preferred to adopt rather than risk a pre-term birth like with

Oh jeezus. I’m sorry. Ugh.

staying in a hotel and renting a car, rather than asking for airport pickups, rides, and staying over at my family’s house, were each lifesavers when we traveled to my home state for christmas. Just the extra control of deciding when to leave an event, and the extra time alone were a breathe of fresh air.

They could easily retitle the show as an academic paper “The Mother/Daughter Experiment: The Enabling Effects of Television Audiences on subjects with Narcissistic Personality Disorder”

Going past the guilty “I don’t like my mom phase”, and having reached the “I don’t give a shit about my mom” phase is the best. You should congratulate yourself. No amount of anger will change anyone, and if you are forced to interact, best to do so after having achieved some well-deserved distance.

Wow. Everything about that is . . .Wow.