
“Oh boy, you got me a NINJA BARBIE?!” “Oh, no, dear, I got you a Kinja Barbie, to reflect a more realistic version of adulthood where you spend 75% of your day trolling comment sections.”

that one seems like direct response to the popularity of that hipster barbie tumblr

It . . .is. .FORBIDDEN!

That made me LOL, although the last name is Asla, so the baby’s name is not *that* unfortunately corporate.

Thats kind of like believing Willow and Jaden Smith are the best child singer/actors. (I mean, “Whip my hair” notwithstanding).

Dear Bethenny Frankel, did you know that the US has no official language? Did you know that until the mid 19th-century, half of the US was, in fact, Mexico? Did you know that if you so choose to shop at the democratically priced Kmart, you may, in fact, run into people outside your expected wealthy white housewives

I just watched the episode of the (4th?) season where Anna is raped . . .I thought it was handled realistically at first, establishing that they she and the rapist had a friendly rapport leading up to them being alone together. Then, when they are in the kitchen and she politely and firmly rebuffs his flirting . .

I think Geena Davis wrote an op-ed or has a foundation or something that’s main goal is normalizing minorities (racial or female) as neutral background characters because films do not actually reflect 50% women and equitable amounts of minorities just, like, outside or at a restaurant or whatever doing their thing.

Madonna’s publicists must be awful. Or they must be decent, but Madonna is just so awful there is nothing to be done. Because Guy Richie has said absolutely nothing, and 100% siding with him and Rocco during this custody dispute. Poor Rocco. My parents are married and I hate it when my mom corners me to bitch about my

Its not an accent! The first O is an olive with a toothpick in it! Kause its a kocktail.

It is extremely convenient to be able to take care of your period whenever you want in a given 8 hour timeframe. I started using a divacup after my first child was born. Having a toddler who loves to follow you into the bathroom and stick their hands everywhere means that I needed to be able to take care of my period

Was she holding up one of the toddlers on the field trip?

The DEA agent who said this is the most awesome shade-artist ever (Kara?). Like, if he was just referencing how Penn gave away El Chapo location, yes, perfectly accurate statement to make as a law enforcement agent. But he was probably also referencing like . . .other DEA agents . . .Charlize Theron . . .Charlie Rose

I mean, you can get PTSD from all sorts of things, not just combat. Sometimes just the stress of being in a warzone (or any prolonged stressful situation) can do it. Palin is not wrong that we ought to pay more attention to the medical health of our vets, and her son may very well have PTSD . . .but her excusing his

nailed it.

or was that a penis joke?

ie “shit narcissists say” . . .But but but if you only understood ME and spent more time paying attention to ME then you would really empathize with ME

yeah. this happened to me, but with a college teacher that I had a crush on. I went out with him and we got drunk and made out (completely inappropriate) and then all of a sudden the other old creepy teachers he was friends with started asking me out.

came here just to say that. Josh Duggar and the Green Bay Packers need to be kept as far apart mentally as possible.

Hmmmm, being disavowed by your family members is a painful childhood memory for sure, but either there is (a) more to it than that, which it why this stands out in her memory (b) there really isn’t any more to it than that, and she is really desperate for a sob story. I mean, if she’s crazy, then yes, she probably has