
EXTRAs was a really funny show. People love the Office (I havent watched that). Ive seen some clips from “Life is Short” that are very funny as well. I put him in the category of lots of other actors that I enjoy in scripted, well-edited, series, but not when they talk without filter or do stand up or whatever. If the

Ugh, my father-in-law refers to the receptionists at his office as his “girls” and I’d love to confront him about it. But then I discovered recently that some of them are still in high school, so I’m like, OK, they are technically, girls. . .but I’m sure he would use it whether they were 16 or 36


even if she dosnt need therapy-therapy, a cognitive behavioral therapy workbook should help her with out of control night-time worrying. It basically trains you to write out your worries, balance them with more logical (less scary outcomes) and then put your anxieties aside until morning since you can’t do anything

If you are suffering from a bout of insomnia, DO NOT LOOK AT THE CLOCK. I have had insomnia since I was in grade school. I don’t have a digital clock in my room because if I see how long I’ve been awake (before therapy, it would take me two hours to fall asleep every night) it freaks me out thinking about how little

my usual hairstyle.

There is a very high co-morbidity (co-occurance) of personality disorders and depression, so its never an either/or problem. If someone suffers from extreme mood swings, violent behavior, or other anti-social traits you are describing, it could be both. However, I agree with your assessment that it is much more

I have suffered from depression, and now find myself (as a sleep-deprived new mother who is also going to school) prone to low moods as well, so I would articulate this as the difference: previously, I would have described myself as “empty” or “stuck” without any clear direction forward for my situation to get any

not a legal marriage, but most definitely a common law one that will need to involve lawyers for the children/assets for sure.

Exactly. Teenagers love being forced and coerced by their parents— especially by the long arm of the law! They just spent two months touring together, I think he’s earned himself a break.

we’re wairk-ing very hard on perfecting our Paul Hollywood impressions!

When approving of a meal, my husband and I now nod to each other and say “good bake.” When disapproving, we turn to each other and say “I wouldn’t eat that, Mary.”

this is the first thing I’ve laughed out loud at this whole depressing week, thank you.

This reminds me of when my friend (a phd scientist) dared another friend (a nutritionist) to eat nothing but fruit for three days. They both learned something valuable to their professions . . .

amen, amen, they could EASILY change those brows to be a better match. Cmon makeup department.

JEANNE TRIPPLEHORN (she was jackie in greys gardens and it was SO GOOD)

I thought you meant Ted Cruz at first, and then someone else posted the UT-Austin case girl below . . .

I was just watching an interview with Diane Keaton and Katie Couric, and Diane Keaton said that she always wanted a career as a singer (she was either in the original, or one of the early iterations of Hair) but that she just really didn’t have the voice. So in addition to being a First Wives Club type reunion (and

I have also tried CBT. I don’t think that particularly strategy works because you can’t “think” away situations that are inherently stressful (abusive relationship, high pressure work environments). Its better to try to actually change or remove yourself from the stressful situation (when possible— obv we can’t all

Oooooh no!!! But yeah, its definitely happened to me less as I’ve gotten older. Mostly because I don’t have close relationships with people that stress me out anymore. I used to puke after seeing this one friend of mine but never connected the dots, until I stopped seeing him regularly . . .and also stopped puking as