
definitely a thing! Puking, hives, massive shits . . .all a range of normal bodily reactions to intense/acute stress.

Its true. Its comforting to have your physical symptoms confirm that you’re working too hard. Otherwise, I just feel like I’m being a lazy wimp by needing to take a day off. But if I’m puking, I really need that day off . . .(I’m not saying this is a healthy attitude, but I certainly relate.)

Dear JLaw, I also get psychosomatic stress-induced vomiting! I used to think it was stress combined with alcohol, but it still happens whenever a big work deadline approaches, even if I haven’t been drinking. She’s so right that it is the body’s way of saying “back off bitch.”

Since minority and poor students don’t get the kind of tests prep and college prep education, in general, that promote high SAT scores, Affirmative action is also supposed to serve as a corrective for the weight that admissions committees put onto those scores. SAT does not equal intelligence, nor potential, it just

He did quite well on celebrity jeopardy! Like, not embarrassing himself in the way that most celebrities on jeopardy! embarrass themselves. I have to believe that he is a dork .

Tim Gunn’s comment: justified.

THANK YOU. I love Bond and the sound of Bond themes GOOooooooooldFINGAAAAAAH and the The World is Not Enough and Adele, all great, but the Spectre song sucks so bad. Like, completely out of Sam Smith’s range falsetto all the time, and none of the big campy drama that those songs need.

Burt Reynolds, sit down. Children don’t arbitrarily estrange themselves from their parents. People who have really loving families (as I’d like to assume that Burt has?) don’t get it, and thats great for them, but it doesn’t give you license to criticize how other families have dealt with their problems.

I just got a headache reading your description of her medicine closet.

aw shit, those are real quotes? I also commented about how “off” that picture looked . . .confirmed in feeling bad for Lena.

yeah. I guess I can’t really imagine Lena Dunham in 6” stilettos either. . .but she is literally “below” them and it just just seems like some kind of metaphor for female hierarchy based on looks that isn’t sitting right with me. (I am obviously overthinking this).

Dude, even if you don’t know the name Rachel Platten, you definitely know the song “Fight Song” which was/is evvvvvvverwhere thanks to being on Taylor’s tour.

how 19th century gothic romance would it have been to name him St. John and have it pronounced SinJin? I mean, that is the only way I find “saint” in a name at all appropriate.

To fact check your fact checking-piece, how is Kate Hudson (even arguably?) the least complicated person on the planet? Do you just means in terms of business, or her entire life? Im not sure if this was your intention, but calling someone uncomplicated sounds a little bit like calling someone “simple” or her life

Well, neither gun ownership nor abortion is “bad” but our thinking about the consequences of either that makes it so. I have association with gun ownership and violence and death towards people, therefore it is bad in my mind, but i could just as easily say its for deer hunting and what not which I think is fine.

Wow. What a tragic story for Heidi. As if I didn’t have enough against Ted already.

That was my first thought— she’s supposed to be a sex doll, so . . .she being moved around by people either carrying her off, boxing her up, or pushing her in a wheel chair

To be fair, her schtick is not “I’m a fat comedian.” Her schtick is “I’m fat by hollywood/LA standards which is ridiculous because I’m an average-sized woman who eats like normal people need to eat. . .and maybe drinks too much.”

“The Family Stone” was an atrocious waste of an otherwise charming cast.

In addition to the jerky ex, her older brother was murdered during a botched kidnapping, and her younger brother is a drug addict and was recently deported. Sooooo . . .there is a lot of tragedy in her life already, I hope that she and Joe have a loving and supportive relationship.