
Wait, were they (and the minister) running/jogging while saying their vows, or did they stop and do it on the side of the course? I’m confused. The part of my brain that plays my cross country coach on a continuous loop is hoping that they didn’t stop, just maybe jogged with a jogging minister.

I kind of liked the blue James bag. But it was $860.

how much better would the marketing for this website been if she just called is PRESERVES and gave everyone a jar of preserves with every purchase and made everything jam themed?

The friends I have made as a new parent are probably the best group of friends I’ve ever had. I’m in a very competitive professional field ruled traditonally by single Alpha males. However, within that field, the new parents seem to be reforming previous ideas about their work-work-work lifestyle. They have a

I shouldn’t feel bad for someone as rich, charming, and handsome as The Rock, but that man has to liiiiiiiiive at his (home) gym and eat protein all the goddamn day, and I would not wish that lifestyle on anyone. But props to him for keeping his sisyphean-workout-routine fun.

“cast member of Cats who had resorted to prostitution” is a great idea of a costume!

If you’ve put a lot of thought into why the other person would like it or get a kick out of it, its a good gift. There is a difference between that and if you’re just throwing random “stuff” at them. My parents once bought me a pop-art painting of Wonder Woman. It was expensive, but I don’t own or like pop art, I have

Yes. My mother shows love almost 100% through gifts and crafts. She was a stay at home mom and she had both money and time, these actions did not seem as valuable to me as the very very rare words of affirmation or enthusiastic quality time. Its been hard as an adult to tell her “you know, I really don’t need more

Wow. Have you ever seen Olive Kitteredge? The HBO miniseries. She was the kind of mother (also my kind of mother ) who will respond with “there were some typo” to the kind of work that you took painstaking and proud lengths to finish . . .

Ugh. Yeah. I cut out a friend who was bullying me and verbally abusive. Of course, after I broke it off, he started crying to our other friends about it, and the other friend are like “Oh, but he’s SO SORRY” . . .and I’m like, you could not pay me a million dollars to even have one beer with him again.

Oh, God, I am so so sorry that you grew up with a wicked stepmother. . .insulting children is such a cretinous behavior — they are easy, susceptible targets and anyone who picks on them is an immature ass wipe.

“please join us for the reception where we will be serving appetizers, dinner, and a variety of non-alcoholic beverages”

This is good advice. I definitely thought of it as my last chance to make amends with toxic people in my life . . and now i have a wedding album with like three people in it that I never want to see again.

There’s so many variables to consider that make it extremely hard *not* invite even terrible mothers. For me, there were these factors (a) she is still married my father, who I love and wanted to be there (b) my extended family members don’t know about our difficult relationship, and assume she is a “great mom”*, etc,

I am 30- if I saw her in person I’d think she was a contemporary


I had to google Travis Barker, expecting to be embarrassed for not knowing who he was. I actually feel more dignified for not knowing all the band members of Blink-182.

Bobby, I know this is not your fault and it just must be a slow, slow tabloid news day, but . . .Rita Ora is maybe the most contemporarily famous person in this entire dirtbag.

I had to look it up too . . .apparently tina is crystal meth. Which makes sense if he’d like to sustain everyone enthusiasm for the whole living-room-wide butt orgy. I just felt tired reading this message.

Agreed. I think she is one of the most gorgeous human beings in the world.