
Unfortunately parents who pick their very restrictive and judgmental religions over their children is nothing new :(

oh my goodness, kind of glad to hear that I’m not the only one who related to “An Education.” Watching that movie with my mother was the first and only time she very passively admitted to pushing me too hard in school/enabling me dating inappropriately older men. I believe her exact words were “well, I guess it was

does anyone actually expect that the celebrities endorsing particular brands use them on a daily basis? Why would someone with as much money as Jennifer Aniston use Aveeno and not Le Mer or some uber fancy shit? Do we believe that Tina Fey dyes her OWN HAIR AT HOME with Garnier? Doesn’t ScarJo just have a seltzer

I feel this way about gym locker rooms. . .Even among people who are “in shape” (voluntarily go to a gym and shower naked) you recognize how being physically fit looks very different than the fitness models in magazines. Its such a relief.

I think 75% of my comments on Jezebel contain references to Gossip Girl because I am rewatching it on netflix. So my response here is appropriate: How do either Blair Waldorf or Georgina Sparks represent the definition of “Fuckgirl” as laid out by this editorial? They are mean girls, and neither of them are great role

She is so beautiful it hurts, but I am 29 and I would definitely put her in my own 27-30 range

All I know about Maria is that her cover magazine stories are almost always about how she used to be GASP A SIZE 14 in college (she’s 5’8” so thats still smaller than the average american woman and therefore not worthy of remark).You must be pretty boring if how you gained and lost weight while in college is headline

I mean, his parents clearly don’t know anything about what being a parent actually is, which, I believe, is teaching your child to be an independently functioning adult. Example A: they expect his nanny is with him until college? So, like, they expect he needs a babysitter for that long or is this is like a Dorota to

I hate this picture for making me pity alec baldwin. We all look like gross monsters while eating. Or sad. like Keanu Reeves.

i just looked up shakira caine — holy shit she is smokin’! I don’t find Michael Caine attractive at all, but well done him!

I was disappointed to learn that the intended pronunciated is .gif as in “jiffy lube”

The pronunciation of .gif was discussed at length on a Jeopordy episode where the answer to final Jeopordy was “.gif” and so Alex Trebek had to say it like, 50 times, and said that the person who invented (right word? programmed? developed) the .gif file pronounced it with a j/soft g . . .the Jiff the peanut butter.

sounds like you handeled that very gracefully, and thanks for the input.

sadface. mucho sadface.

I think this would explain a lot about this guy. Thanks for your insights.

I haven’t had to use it in 10 years! Sounds like they turned a retreat center into a frat house.

Gossip Girl explored this quite nicely via Dan and Serena.

I mean, mostly it was the question “I know my friend so well, but I haven’t spent much time with her husband, whats he like?” and my husband got all shifty and awkward and was like “he likes to . . .party”

I should have asked if it was bigger than a breadbox