
We both moved to our new city at the same time (our husbands jobs) a year ago, and we became better friends in the last six months because we both have infants. So, its not a long-term friendship, but we’ve become closer, faster because we don’t many OTHER friends in town because of recent move + babies.

My husband was going to keep it to himself, but he (usually a champion sleeper) was up all night tossing and turning about it when he got home. Since this is suspicious behavior from HIM, I started needling him about “what happened on the retreat” and basically just asked him questions until his face gave him away. So

Right. I think its best the cheater tells his wife directly. And if he doesn’t tell his wife, or at least doesn’t demonstrate the kind of odd, guilty behavior that leads to her suspicions and the eventual awkward conversation . . .I dunno, I just kind of lose faith in humanity. Did I mention they have an 8 month old

May I hijack for ethical question involing sex/honesty? My husband went on a corporate retreat last week. He and another coworker, who were sharing a room with one other guy, accidentally walked in on the third guy having sex with another colleague. Both of the sex-havers are married to other people. The cheaters were

Its one of Wisconsin’s proudest traditions to have border wars with states where the other state’s citizens don’t actually know and/or care about our loathing . . .(see UW-Madison t-shirts that proclaim “Ann Arbor is a Whore” whereas Michiganers don’t give an F about Wisconsin and just want to stab people in Ohio). WE

Fucking Illinois Bastard? Probably a Chicagoan? (Meant with love! And a misplaced sense of bitterness on I-94!)

I just commented about this very scene! the rage it fills me with! The RAGE!

You must be a FIB?

excellent refinement!

You know what makes me so mad everytime I watch “Love Actually”? When he goes to a bar “in Wisconsin” and it is COVERED WITH BUDWEISER SIGNS. Do your research, British set designer! Its Miller Time! Or Pabst. Or Schlitz! Or Leinenkugels! BUT NOT GODDAMN BUDWEISER.

When did I say it guaranteed you a job for life? I said it protected you from being punished for free speech. If that free speech infriges on someone else’s rights (harassment/abuse) then you can be fired.

I’m confused also, but my understanding (I am an academic) is that tenure is a protection from punishment just like first amendment rights, but instead of being protected from being jailed, its protection from being fired for speaking ones mind openly. So thats what the professors and AAUP position is— that she was

It made me physically ill to read it because it reminded me of how I acted ages 14-23 and how many people that I stomped on myself to get (sexual) attention or flit from romance to romance. So, on the one hand, I empathize (can narcissists empathize with each other?) and want to give her credit for recognizing that

that article was proof that she’s a narcissist.She was hardly apologetic, and calling it seduction, rather than “manipulation” was the cherry on top of my arm-chair diagnosis.

You sound like a good person, Gaysian. Its hard to recognize when some relationshps are just fundamentally unhealthy and no amount of talking it out is going to help. And might, indeed, hurt.

Oh man, I just posted about this. I gotta agree I think saying something and trying really really hard not to be judgemental and saying “we’ve got irreconcilable differences” is the way to go.

I broke up with a friend last year. First, we had a fight over some legitimate problems I had with him (hanging out wasn’t fun anymore because HE JUST LOVED YELLING AND ARGUING ALL THE TIME ABOUT EVERYTHING LIKE AN ANGRY MACHO MAN). After the fight, my plan was to ghost. My friend’s love of arguing would surely only

you know my Uncle Dan?


Jolie also projects a very in charge, assertive sexuality that is gendered “male” . . .just like Shane from the L Word or (haven’t seen new season yet, but) Ruby Rose in OITNB . . .it seems acceptable from straight women to “go gay” for women who project male-gendered sexuality.