
Karyn, your stereotyping is all over the map today. Louisiana is a “sweet state” with a hot swoon worthy firefighter, and this middle school is indicative of Catholicism’s uncaring attitudes towards people with disabilities? How about a story about Pope Francis dropping the reform order on the (very progressive)

This is pure anecdote, but I hope it applies: I have very sweet, but depressive cousin, with a father (my biological uncle) who had always ignored him in favor of his career. When my uncle did pay attention to him, it was often with public criticism of his career/education choices. Depressive cousin starts drinking a

It sounds like you and your (ex)BFF have different values. If you can’t respect her after she cheated on her husband (with someone you were dating! WHUT? and no plans to leave him? DOUBLE WHUT?) then you don’t need to be friends anymore. I think a best female friend is like an adult good mother — someone who makes you

I also was resistant to watching it, but breastfeeding created an infinite demand for new movies to try, so I did. And it really resonated with me and all of my longest female friendships— the periods of closeness, the periods of trial separations to find ourselves, the hopeful but wiser reunions . . .

Child stars are not necessarily born to privilege. Some of them were just always working actors and actresses from a wide range of class backgrounds that happened to get on a successful show. I think working consistently on a well-known tv or movie program while getting a high school GED is a better qualification for


Bethany is all kinds of sad lately. She went on a talk show a couple weeks ago and weighed herself on air (why!?wut?!). She said it was to prove that she wasn’t too skinny since she has gotten a lot of flack for wearing Bryn’s pajamas and posting it online. But I got the impression it was to prove that she was,

Isn’t everything about the people in Time’s 100 Most Influential going to sound like a brag when they just state the context for how they know the subject of their pieces? Because they’ve done such impressive shit and hold such impressive jobs? Not that I love the man, but Scalia saying he known RBG from court is just

I’m earnestly curious why you think he is a better option for the Republican ticket than JEB Bush? I mean, JEB has all the problems (ie blandness and republican-brand political reasonableness) of Mitt and John McCain, whereas Rand seems like he will just go the way of his crazy father— ie half of his platform will be

Can I hijack this thread to crowdsource WHAT ARE THE MOST COMFORTABLE UNDERWEAR? I used to own lacy, pretty things but have realized that this NEVER makes the difference between me feeling sexy or having sexy times. . .so comfortable and yeast-infection preventing is what I'm after.

Thank you for this lovely story! I am in the hospital right now and needed a laugh out loud mental image. Patrick Stewart (im)patiently and expectantly smiling and shaking your hand while you freeze up and block his path did it. Oh lord.

why deny children an opportunity to relish in the glee of shaming and feeling superior to an adult?

A week ago I said "F***" —casually— in front of two toddlers. They both pointed and me and went into a loud joint chant of "BAD word BAD word BAD word." I fake-cowered in my sweater and apologized profusely.

The plastic surgery makes her look like Angelina Jolie. Jolie is exquisite for 39, but yeah, Montag looks . . .39

Thank you! Its easy to call people idiots when you don't agree with them, or when they give you the heeby-jeeves and you can't quite put your finger on it. I don't like Ted Cruz because I disagree with him on the following stances: abortion, voter ID laws, guns, health care . . .(oh, jeez, well, everything) but not

you trying to make me cry?

I never liked Ethan Hawk because of how annoying I found his character in the Sunrise/Sunset movies. But then I saw Boyhood and I decided he was decent. Then I saw that red velvet cupcake picture and said to myself, OK, Ethan, lets bury the hatchet and be friends.

Is it just me or is Shailene's sternum/ribcage being blurred out/softened? There is some weird pixelation in that photo of her with arms akimbo. I would like to know if that is in the original photo as acquired by Jezebel or what . . .

whats up with the pixelation around Shailene's sternum? Was her ribcage blurred out by the original source of these photos or did Jezebel do it?

amen amen amen— My mother was a narcissistic and I definitely vacillated between narcissism and co-dependence throughout my adult life. In grade school, when I would bring home a report card that was all As and one B, my mom wouldn't comment at all on the As . .. she would just say very flatly and disdainfully "what