
I wish this study talked about the difference between having narcissistic traits and having a bona fide Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Everyone knows a good-nature braggart or someone who cares too much about what other people think about them, but not all of these people are going to manipulate their friends and

Right. Like, on the one hand, I wish I were not so self-conscious that I could just be the friend who like, drops by unexpected/uninvited at your house, lounges around with their feet all over your furniture, and dosn't have a dime on them when you go out so you have to buy them drinks/food . . .but then again, ummm

I realize that my rant is not very clear. I think the sentiments are similar because they both discount the individual's choice when they are aware of the other options. I would rather Sophie B Hawkins say, "I was aware of the medical risks of my age, and that this was a risky choice, but it is a choice that I made

I have a baby, and the love I feel for that little pile of chub is unbounded and transcendent. But he was created when two rational adults said "let's stop using the condoms" not because of anything the platonian ideal of my baby convinced me to do it. I mean, there's not a whole lot different between what she's

That was what bothered me the most about this whole interview.

But she's not advocating making choices — she's saying that the baby's voice called upon her to be her mother. I think this interview would have read a lot better (and saner) if she didn't make her future child responsible for her (present) decision-making.

(I also say this as a church-attending catholic; I'm not anti-religion by any means or unsympathetic to those who get pregnant accidentally and not by choice, but I am pro-responsibility, and here is a perfect example where someone should be taking complete responsibility for their reproductive decision making)

Oh, she meditated. She heard the child's voice. It wasn't her making this decision, it was the ghost-vision-quest-spirit-baby. WHY DOES THIS SHIT DRIVE ME NUTS? Oh, because its basically the liberal-psuedo-spiritual equivalent of "well, I got pregnant because Jesus and the Pope tell me not to use condoms, but they

Sorry! I meant in the super friends picture that the commentator made of Benedict Cumberbatch and Matt Crowley . . .I guess thats just a picture of the commentator?

Agreed. Sounds like someone pining for the feeling of being loved. Much like Marilyn Monroe's depressing ass quote "I don't want to be rich, I just want to be wonderful" . . .like they are both quotes about being really rich and really dissatisfied because of their depression. Neither are cheery.

who is the lady?

Kelly Clarkson, you are an inspiration too all post-partum mothers out there (me) who don't quite look (or feel?) like they used to, but are still back to work trying to do the damn thing. I hope other women see her as a role model to not put too much pressure on themselves to loose weight during their kid's infancy.

I've thought Fallon was hot since SNL (when he was in his mid twenties and I was in high school) His hotness was part of the appeal, right? I mean, he did keep cracking up during jokes so I assume the "affable crush-worthy cutie" was his schtick from the get go.

Kylie Jenner's statement makes me feel really sad for her. I know a lot of people aren't going to give her sympathy because she is a rich/famous/beautiful teen, but that family is so dysfunctional and filled with pressure . . .I hope that she can escape some day and create something that is her own.

I heart Christopher Plummer. He's not particularly proud of his acting in Sound of Music, and he lip synced the songs. So I think he does appearances for the fans, but yeah, its not really his movie, and he is very gracious to admit so.

dont forget "literally".People magazine had a headline quote from david beckham where-in beckham said "I am lierally an uber driver." Now that i thinkabout it— was the writer of people's headline throwing shade at beckham by pointing out his misuse of "literally"?

was it the the "WOO HOO" at the end?

I'm relieved to hear that 3 to 5 cups is considered moderate. When I initially heard "moderate" I thought they only meant one or two cups, and since 1 cup = 8 fl oz, that is not very much. But, a standard travel mugs are like 12-16 oz; tall sizes at Starbucks are around 12 oz, a grande is 16 oz, and a venti is 24. So

Thank you for that website! I will be reading Colin since he is a cosmetics scientist. Also, this Colin cosmetic scientist indeed says that the more SLS in a shampoo or bodywash, the more drying it is. I think that is the primary reason why I have come to enjoy my SLS-free products— I have very dry skin, but am also

I'm convinced— No one who writes these "baby bump" alerts has ever been pregnant or watched someones pregnancy.