
Hi! I have a four month old, so I am just getting over the newborn sleepless hump myself. I must must must second the commenter who suggested you get out of the house and take a walk. I am in snowed-in New England right now, but for the sake of my sanity, I still try to spend an hour (post feeing, post changing)

Excellent recap, MegSwan. I just wanted to second the opinion that Whitney's sister was the MOST WELL-ADJUSTED PERSON EVER TO BE FEATURED ON REALITY TV. Her response was totally dead on, like "I'm not going to pre-approve you to marry my sister when you don't actually know that you want to marry my sister. Call me

Even if that story were too, it was weaksauce. OMG a celebrity wearing sunglasses and acting like a boss? NOOOOO WAAAAAAAAY. But I do like Reese Witherspoon and hope that she is nice in real life, despite that drunk driving incidence . . .

Me too! I was like "Who is from a small town??!?" Kim is from LA, J is from NYC, Bey is from Houston and Kanye is from Chicago. There is nothing either literally or figuratively small town about any of those people.

Someone just reminded me that J K Rowling got rejected from 30 publishers before Harry Potter was published. I'm sure she felt like a huge failure while getting ding letter after letter. But who would call her that now?

(based on a couple linguistics classes and a smattering of different foreign languages) I think its called "stop voicing" which is used to separate two words when one ends on a vowel and the next word begins on a vowel. The sentence "President Obama of America Answers . . ." would then sound like "President Obamer of

This ban would have made life a lot less complicated for Serena Van der Woodsen

It all started when my dermatologist prescribed 2% Salicylic acne toner and another toner; both were mixed up by the pharmacist and end up costing $80 all together. I was like, nuh uh . . .I can by salicylic acid and alcohol and whatever else is in those online and mix them up myself. Then I started asking what else I

Wut? I've never heard of this, but sounds easy. You just apply the MoM straight on your pits?

I'm sorry to hear that! I think my skin tolerates the baking soda better than most. Even though it hasn't caused me problems, I definitely don't put the deo on right after shaving my armpits (which is infrequently, so usually there is a small layer of hair that is also protecting my skin). Anyway, thanks for pointing

6 tablespoons coconut oil

If the readers on this thread enjoy the voyeurism of reading about other women's beauty routines, I would recommend the website ; as the title suggests, its dedicated to "clean" beauty products, which means . . .umm . . .no unnatural chemicals or something, I'm not sure, but they have readers

I rarely LOL at internet comments, but yours did it.

All that matters is that Obama does not compare favorably to Hitler.

Yeah, People is the directest pipeline from PR people. There's almost never anything negative in People (or even when it is, its disguised as chipper).

Real talk. A long long time ago when I was 19, I was also in a relationship with an older man (bigger than this age difference). I also did a lot of stuff for the "amazing story" because I was really empty inside and craved outside validation to tell me who I was and whether I was good enough. Yeah, I definitely had

I just happened to watch this episode, after not watching the bachelor/bachelorette for about a decade. I was like, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THIS SHOW, are there people with personality disorders on every season? So I'm glad that this episode was particularly abnormal, because WOAH. I mean, I was expecting

They are just such classics enthusiasts/experts that they know of the one particular publisher that hired the one most excellent translator and that first run of art nouveau embossed covers and its implied that its the first edition of that particular press/translator/jacket design and you would totally know if you

Other than the anti-vax bullshit he's spewing, can we talk about his terribly imprecise language?

This story makes me like Bob Dole 1000% more. And you, you little whippersnapper.