
Crying. Great story. A small, private act of decency that speaks wonders about his character.

I wonder if spouses can accurately estimate the death of their partner. I think I picked my husband primarily because he is healthier than me and I assume he will outlive me (I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE).

So you worked at Barnard? (the only one of the seven sisters affiliated with an ivy league university for the last 15 years)

They aren't making the information public. If you a member of the public can't identify who is on the list (because everyone is BCC'd) then its not violating privacy.

Did the report condemn PLASTIC surgery or COSMETIC surgery? Plastic surgeons do more than just boob implants. You don't quote the exact words about what kind of surgery/alterations from the Vatican's report and I'd be curious about the distinctions (or lack of distinctions) made. Cause I doubt the Vatican is

Yeah, I think the joke is meant to be about the ambulance chasers and frivolous lawsuit pushers of the world, but most of my friends who are lawyers are working off their debt doing contract or corporate law or clerking for judges. . .like, something necessary and boring.

I also want to give up on Mr. and Mrs. but mostly because with foreign students/colleagues, I can't figure what out what gender their first name is. . .

har har . . .if you listen to the voicemails that accompanied the dick pics, they did have this kind of weirdly pathetic/insecure "awww shucks (im just feelin' a little horny)" tone to them. Totally agree that his cheating on his wife that he publicly supported through cancer, though, yes, ruined whatever level of

I agree. This booger-picking feature is why Kristen Bell and Halle Berry have been campaigning about leaving kids pictures out of the tabloids. I'm much more grossed out about this pictures being published than about children picking their noses *picked nose, wipes on cover of magazine*

Oh my God, #teamfatface made me laugh out loud. I also have this problem. Everyone's like "your baby looks so much like you!" and I'm like, its the other way around, all my pregnancy weight is in my face and makes me look like a chubby baby.

Lifelong Packers fan here— so I'm a bit biased, but I will say that Brett Farve's dick picks are not on the same level as rape and child abuse. Yes, Farve sent them, while married, to a woman who worked with his organization. Totally inappropriate, and a violation of the lady's boundaries, but also . . .not the level

whoops. pubically. freudian typo.

So many 30-year olds. Why are so many 30-year olds thinking "Welp, I am an old maid who should be married by now, but I'm not, so I'm getting married to myself." If you care so much about the institution of marriage, then just, ya know . . .be patient? Go on OKcupid? 30 is not the moment to throw your hands up in the

Dude, yes, I thought of Carrie's marrying-self-for-shoes episode also.

Q: How many lawyers does it take to fill the ocean?

I always make it clear when I hand out evaluations that I WILL EVENTUALLY READ THESE. No, I will not see them until your grades are in, but then, I WILL READ THEM. My students (who are by and large very savvy and smart) have taken this to heart and provide compliments and criticisms pertaining to my job performance

"Our vundervul undervare verks vels size derty two A to derty vour B; zo zupportive!"

same here. I was like "uh huh uh huh catchy song uh huh" and then I read an interview with her and went "uh huh uh hun nope nope nope nope" and now can't even enjoy her bubble gum radio play

Is it just me or doe Ruth Wilson look like Dierdre Lovejoy (Rhonda Perlman from The Wire?) Yes? Also, Meghan Trainor . . .I feel about you the way I feel about most of my opinions in high school. Deserving of an eyeroll, headshake, and embarrassment on your behalf.

I want to believe this very badly. I'm six months post partum, running, eating well, losing weight, yadda yadda, and my belly ain't going no where