
My husband and I were serious about each other from the get-go, so I always thought of him as a potential-husband rather than a friend. So this is a question I've never asked myself— is my husband my best friend? The two women I call my "best friends" are people whom I have known for 20 years and 14 years,

My trainor translator skills are all off. Meghan Trainor sang the lyric "I gave you bass" in her song about lying. And if my understanding of her first song "all about that bass" is correct, than bass = ass, and "I gave you ass" means "I had sex with you" and now she's talking about saving herself? I mean, I also read

Wow. Perfect gif.

I think the current cast of 50 Shades of Grey could've benefited from modeling their performances on the dynamic of Christopher Pummer and Julia Andrews. The original rich-experienced-badboy making innocent-young-plucky-virgin blush film. You know Captain Von Trapp loves some BDSM style love. He will humiliate you

Singing toothbrush? No. Squigglepen. Yes. They used to have a very wide, smooth, top flat portion . . .

I just wanted to write to thank you for this comment. My brother was the primary victim of my mother's emotional incest, and I was the scapegoat. Even when my brother was in his late 20s/early 30s, my mother held his hand while walking down the street with him; she stroked and held his hand in restaurants, she asked

You sound like a great dad. Mostly, because you are willing to admit when you had human-dad-needs moments. I think your kids probably appreciate that too— along with the catch!

Great article. I had a pretty miserable childhood, so my standards for judging myself and other parents is pretty low: do you pay attention to your children when they need it? do you care about their feelings? Do you show them affection and give them praise and encouragement, keeping your criticisms constructive?

Can someone explain to me how boyhood (which I thought was great) could get a nomination for Best Original Screenplay? I read a lot about the film after I saw it, and a lot of the dialogue was improvised (ie each scene has a "goal" or a conversation, but the actual wording was more spontaneous). This is an earnest

I've never seen this before, but its pretty great! I went to a Catholic high school that also had a Gay-Straight Alliance. So some other "Christians" came to our school to pamphlet us about gays in the bible, etc, etc, and we were all like "Pfft . . .you realize we are required to take theology classes, here, right?

Oh goodness. Now you've intrigued me about breast reduction surgery. How much did it cost pre-insurance? (does insurance cover it?)

I invited kids because lots of my relatives needed to travel to attend my wedding. To get people to come, I encouraged people to make it into a family vacation. (Easy enough, since we got married in NYC). I figured it was already a hassle for people to come, I didn't want to create additional barriers by forcing them

hilarious. I also had a non-cooperative flower girl, but her parents just ended up picking her up and carrying her down the aisle. So they were like flower-parents?

The biggest long term help for me was psychotherapy. I hardly ever talked to my therapist about my weight or body image per se, but I used to hate myself, and this manifested in drinking too much, smoking, eating too much, and then exercising too much to compensate. My weight fluctuated a lot. As my self-esteem

The police caught me twice, in high school, in public places (parks after dark, usually) making out with boyfriends in our cars. In both circumstances, they simply tapped on the windows, asked if everything was OK (making sure that it was not a sexual assault), and then told us that we had to leave the premises since

I was also confused. I think we're just opportunistically slamming the NFL for everything now. Not that they don't deserve criticism. . .

Agreed. I think its more important that parents give their children enough self-confidence and self-love that they will chose respectful partners. That does a lot to ensure that they will neither pressure nor be pressured into sex to fill up voids of affection. (My parents did not teach me what a healthy, supportive,

The best part of this was discovering that Ellen has a niece, and Ellen will listen to her sing entire renditions of Disney songs. Best Aunt Ever?!?

Susan Miller fan, here. I look forward to her forcasts every month, but I do not "believe" in astrology. Why wait with baited breath and excitement then? Because astrology is a psychological Rorschach test, just like dream interpretation. Astrology and dreams don't mean anything, neccesarily, unless our conscious

I couldn't even finish the trailer. And I'm quite interested in Walt Disney. That does not bode well for the film.