
Jessica Simpson I am so happy you are happy!! You seem like a nice person who does not deserve the crap you've put up with in your young life! Also, the picture of JWOWW and her baby makes me want to cry happy tears. Why am I so emotional?!

Was she a "cool mom" *wink* ?

explaining it to the housekeeper is really the awkward cherry on top of the awkward cake in this piece. I once sublet a house from a 60 year old man and got a LITTLE BIT of period blood on his not-very-expensive IKEA sheets. I put them in the wash, but they didn't totally wash out (because blood) and then he was like

Agreed. How does one measure "walled off" ness or volatility? Of course someone would be called over-sensitive by someone else who is callous or walled off (and vice versa). Everyone is comfortable with different levels if these things.

oh boy. Yeah, my boss was the the process of losing his job while still critiquing my output. That shit rolls downhill like whoa. It was very hard to politely remind him that giving me helpful, constructive feedback was still his job . . . Not shitting on me to feel better about his own position

academia, where your intelligence is constantly being judged by your peers, and harsh advisors or p.i.s are gods of their own domains and laboratories

While we're listing him in crush-worthy bit parts: the cowboy with a stutter in romy and Michele's high school reunion!

whoops meant to respond below. . .. uuuuggghh kinja not letting you delete things

I believe the cut off to start the shot series is 25, but if you turn 26 whilst getting the series its OK. Those were the suggestions when I started getting mine around age 23

NITPICKING TIME! OK, I have watched this show many times, and still don't know how to pronounce "Givenchy" so when Rebecca wrote that Sex and the City would "casually mention . . .your Givenchy" I skipped straight to the "G" section. They never say Givenchy!! Now to youtube someone saying it, because I'm pretty sure

Props to Rob Livingston for rolling with the joke!

"Kate's trying for no. 2!" Just Kate? . . .doesn't Wills need to help with that? Of course not, according to another certain famous English king, we've learned that reproduction is the sole responsibility of the consort . . .

Thank you! The household is an economic unit!! I am married, but I wonder whether or not I would be if my husband were not trustworthy with money, debt, and all the other tax-paying bill-paying aspects of our marriage. (Which is why marriage is, increasingly, a privilege of those that are not in debt and can pay the

There is some deep Calvinist theology at play in this. See, she is using waiting in line for entrance into the club as a deep metaphor for entrance to Heaven. If you are waiting in line, it means that you are not a member of the "elect." Like ye Calvinist of olde, she must let society know that she is, indeed, elect,

Indifference is fine. I'm more upset that Callie is using Jezebel as a forum to promote "Girl on girl hate" commentary about a celebrity whom, I guess, most of us feel indifferent about. She has committed no crime against feminism, and ought not to be dragged towards the pillory.

I have two points to try to reduce the Blake-Hate, you haters: (1) "I'll have the French Onion Soup" . . .is pretty funny, especially since she does not drink alcohol. So I think she was trying to charmingly sidestep an awkward conversation about not drinking. (2) " . . .blindsides you an idle Tuesday" is a

I really enjoy that "Ted" is the one movie that your mother refused to see. I consume a wide variety of television, but if my husband flips to Family Guy, I'm like "No. Change it now."

I would like to recommend a great advice column for you: "Ask Polly" at . The author calls herself an "existential advice columnist" and some of her columns have addressed similar issues: ; you may want to read her for comfort, or write to her yourself!

I was this person in my mid twenties, especially when I started working at a new place. I was the one who rounded up everyone's contact information and sent out the text blasts to meet up at the bars after work. Underneath it all was just a desperate, desperate need to belong and make friends. And boy, did I make 'um