Ah ok. I didn't realize Gawker Media was running so low on bandwidth they had to start rationing letters 6 at a time.
Ah ok. I didn't realize Gawker Media was running so low on bandwidth they had to start rationing letters 6 at a time.
If diminished productivity is the downside of remaining childless, I accept.
"Needless to say: FACE."
I get that it's part of the whole "diva" personality, but it honestly comes across as kind of mean and bitter. Though to be fair, they were only asking her about these people in the interview to get her to say things exactly like this.
Old cranky person is old, cranky. Further updates as events warrant.
I was robbed at gunpoint a year ago. Backed into a corner, "get on your knees," all that. It was terrifying.
The article specifically mentions "property crime" as one of the major reasons for women being incarcerated. I see property crime and fraud as a definite threat to society. It is also a crime that usually involves aforethought and the perpetrator weighing the punishment against the reward and deciding the punishment…
Erm, lots of people have commented on how the focus should be on keeping non-violent people out of prison and giving them the community service option. But I want to point out that non-violent offenders (especially those who commit property crimes or are repeat offenders) cause a lot of damage to society. It's not all…
wedding binder
So true.
Yeah, this'll totally win over the naysayers who don't believe us when we say feminism is about equality.
Most these arguments seem like they would apply to both genders. We should stop locking up people who pose no threat to society, regardless of their gender.
I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.
Women are like children. They cannot be held accountable for their actions. They are delicate and should be protected and kept out of prison. They cannot even tell the difference between right and wrong anyway.
My mother works for Sephora. There are definitely all kinds of weird issues in the corporate realm regarding these kind of things, HOWEVER, the Asian market has been one that Sephora and other luxury brands have been targeting recently - apparently many of these products are doing very, very well in those economies.…
This is ridiculous. Logistically, how would this even be possible? I couldn't log on all day yesterday and I don't have an Asian last name. This is a company that RARELY has sales, and the server crashed with everyone and their mother trying to buy shit - esp since this is holiday season.
After years of following her on twitter, I was genuinely shocked to find out what she really looks like.