Between her and the Remy Ma article writer's responses yesterday, snarky, immature responses seem to be the norm here lately. I guess this is what happens when you live in a bubble and are presented with countering opinions for the first time.
Between her and the Remy Ma article writer's responses yesterday, snarky, immature responses seem to be the norm here lately. I guess this is what happens when you live in a bubble and are presented with countering opinions for the first time.
Give it a rest, Kanye.
I don't know if it's because I haven't had sex in forever, but "crazy-eyed sexy lumberjack"=new change of underwear.
"...but that doesn't mean I wouldn't set out to destroy them either. "
From the comments I read on the link, she had to accept the price surge to get the ride:
Udi's is a pretty good brand all around. I use their baguettes to make bread crumbs for schnitzel and chicken parm and it's great. Because the texture is a little more dense, they don't get soggy as quickly.
heh, my mom doesn't even remember doing this, but when I was younger. she bought an Electrolysis contraption that you stick to your arms and legs from TSC. I was like, "mom, how do you not remember buying this?" She asked me if she was drunk when she bought it, and I honestly can't rule that out lol.
I'm spending the weekend with my mom and we just bought a Vitamix 3 container juicer/blender/soup maker/ice cream maker thingy from The Shopping Channel!! We were watching it as a joke and making fun of the announcer who was calling a pair of flower leggings "edgy" and then the Vitamix 3 pc unit came on and we just…
Where did the Brittany Maynard story go ? :(
Huh. I'm surprised and not at the same time, if that makes sense. Even though I support assisted suicide, I'd be TERRIFIED to end my own life, no matter how much pain I was in. 'If I could just make it another month, maybe there'd be some medical breakthrough', would always be in the back of my mind.
I can relate to Jennifer so much here. When I was 21-22, I dated a guy who was never physically abusive, but he was so critical of everything I did, whether it was the books I read (anything that wasn't Gladwell, Klosterman, or recommended by Vice was beneath him), the clothes I wore (they were too boring or too…
At Tyra's comment:
The fuck even is this mess?
So I watched this show for the first time, and I gad to turn it off when the blonde lady (agent/producer?) had to take a phone call ans starts screaming. It was SO BAD. And maybe I'm just projecting, but I swear when the girls were delivering their (painfully unfunny) lines, they had this look in their eyes, like,…
Aww thanks, that's the first time I've been called a good writer, and it actually made me feel giddy with pride! As for who he is, it's not Strombo, and he's not even "semi-famous" any more (he was on a show duo that had recently ended and when I was "seeing" him, he still had a lot of recognition (ppl would ask for…
Yeah, no likey. Maybe if I hadn't heard Water Me, I would think this is unique and interesting (and vice versa). Also, this is now electronic music?
Oh yes you can! I workout 3-5 times a week, and only wash my hair at most twice a week. I use dry shampoo and hair fragrance and it smells good. But I also found that having a better diet (more alkaline) and not being so stressed made me smell better in general and make my sweat not so "sweat" smelling. My sweat used…
"Men go after and respond to women they find attractive."
Hi, fellow woman in her 20's here.