"It's simply not pleasant to see someone stumble and struggle on the runway."
"It's simply not pleasant to see someone stumble and struggle on the runway."
Erm, that face tattoo is the middle looks more like Tila Tequila...
As someone who listens to such drum/beat heavy music, it's really hard for my ears to adjust to this free flowing, dream-like style. It makes me feel uncomfortable and 'off', but sometimes the discomfort heightens the style of the music. FKA Twigs is the only one I can listen to; this song is just too out there for my…
I guess I got remix and cover confused bc I was really disappointed when Adam's doofusy voice came in on the chorus (the worst part of the song) lol.
lol right? I only get manicures done at that price when I have a date (hahahaha, like once a year). I dole out $50 bucks for a shellac pedicure every 2 months bc I find those last the longest and make it worth the $.)
"...and charges you $25 for a basic manicure."
Ugh, he sorta reminds me of a client I had yesterday. He looked to be about 25 and I asked him what his hobbies were and he said, "skateboarding". I'm sorry, am I an old fuddy duddy but does that seem a little juvenile? And then I said, "oh...cool....so, anything else you like to do?" and he replied, 'getting high and…
I feel like you're not a real person.
"He also talks about being on the phone with his mom and buying her a Caddy, something he's only able to do four years into his career. "
Well I have eyes, so yes. Put it this way, her ass is as real as her nose, as her breasts, as her mother's nose, her mother's breasts, her mothers stomach, her grandmother's breasts, her grandmother's nose, her grandmother's facelift.....and so on. Her instagram shows she comes from a family of women who are head to…
You can do squats and buy an ass. Just ask Jen Selter.
Sarah has great cheekbones and I think it's kind of cool she can fish, and hunt her food and take care of her shit in a way I'm just too high maintenance for.
I think we're both overthinking this. My point was more I think it's shit to tear down a woman's looks under the guise of being concerned for someone's health. I've literally read thousands of comment about her from the likes of 'EWWWW she's dusgusting' to 'OMG feed that woman a burger.' The poster's comment wasn't go…
Thanks for asking.
And this is why John Stewart is king. He has an amazing ability to deconstruct exactly what is fucked about said person/issue and while delivering it in such an approachable, funny way.
Aww thanks, and congrats on the engagement :)
I used to have this mentality and to be honest, it still irks me sometimes (especially when the twitter "outrage" is like 3 comments), but when it comes to this stuff, these people aren't outliers. Any time I'm walking past a bunch of teen boys or am on public transit, I hear (eavesdrop) on their convos, and this is…