
“Liberal media” is really just a boogeyman, like communism, socialism, wokism, etc., as conservatives need multiple boogeymen to scare morons into keeping them in power.

I saw commercial for the Durango Hellcat that said, “Forget everything you know about performance SUVs!” So I did. And it was a load off my mind.

Lmao you’re note alone I’m watching it now. 

Ive told multiple recruiters from Tesla, offering very enticing salaries, to fuck off in the recent months. The pay is great, Austin is cool(for Texas), and I would continue to avoid a state tax. But, fuck working for Musk. I don’t care about potential safety by proximity, that dude is a insecure man-baby throwing

Anyone still buying a Tesla and supporting this dumbfuck needs to get their head checked out. 

It doesnt charge them for linking to an article, it charges them for reproducing the article text in their own clients as robonews.

Watching Netflix is better than sitting around all day making stupid comments online.

Get a job!

lol okay boomer

Nobody should be surprised by this knowing Musk. I’m just amazed that he was stupid enough to be so blatant with his union busting. Like, there’s dumb, and then there’s *dumb*.

But why should that matter? They’re a tech company, not a ride company.

Elon Musk paid $44b to get made fun of on Twitter, $8/mo is chump change 

Hi, yes Gizmodo blogged about the initial commissioner’s comments to Bloomberg because it was news. Nowhere in that original post did we insinuate that federal changes would mandate removing or modifying the stoves already in peoples’ homes and nowhere in this follow-up did I say that restrictions on gas stoves

Twitter is currently worth about 25% of the purchase price based on the equity stakes of public companies that invested in Twitter, many are writing it down to zero for tax purposes based on current disclosures. The ad revenue dropped from $5bil to $1bil and probably isn’t going up much based on the current tweets and

Oh trust me, it’s spam. You think Twitter would actually pay out?

Subaru ad: “They lived”.

Your quote, not mine, “currently it doesn’t look like the cars are ready to participate in traffic”.  Let’s first concentrate on the technology before we inject  morals into our semiconductors.   

Showed profit in 2018 and 2019. Get the Musk dick out your mouth before you reply

Zuckerberg is waiting for Musk to step all over his dick again. 

As it should be!  Only the white landed slaveowners really have ‘skin in the game’ and should be allowed to vote.  Elmo continues his heroic defense of free speech and democracy.

So now less “de facto public town square” and more “de jure private gated community.