
What ever will we do!!!

Be less stupid when you post. 

“...this link has been identified by Twitter as being potentially Elon Musk’s fragile, fragile ego.

You’ve been on this website for how many seconds, LOL-fag? :D :D :D

Matt, if i may be so bold as to speak for the readership. We are going to miss you around here after your final day.

Every day here I see you post the dumbest comments and every day you get demolished. Do you have a humiliation kink?

Being booed by a group of people who still think Dave Chappelle is worth their money is quite an accomplishment.

Dont know about them, but I hate him for free (since he’s an absolute prick).

He also banned the account that posted the original video of him getting booed at the Chappelle show. He’s such a believer in free speech! /s

where does this weird believe come from musk is somehow genius mastermind and planned all of this?

Labor laws do protect speech. If you say you’re boss is acting in ways that hurt/demean the company, you can’t get fired for that. You call your boss an asshole in public, then yeah, pack your bags.

“Bills of Attainder” doesn’t apply here because Musk is running a platform that allows people to impersonate public figures, which is kind of a Big Fucking Problem.