
One more reason to never shop with Amazon. 

Dodge should be charged as well for a marketing campaign that’s built top to bottom around images of overpowered cars speeding on public roads. You can draw a straight line from those ads to idiot test drivers like this and dealers who are okay with them.

But those 16 year olds were real mature for their age . . .

Good thing Tesla shareholders just gave Elon $45 billion—now he might be motivated to fix this mess . . . just kidding, he’ll blame the user because that’s what Tesla does! 

It’s not “self-driving” if you’re hovering over it at every moment, is it?
I mean, my 6-year old nephew could nail 6th grade math if I was there to “supervise” everything he did wrong. 

Driving an M1 Abrams tank around town is also safer for the passengers, but it doesn’t work for everyone. PR headlines like this miss the general point that safety means making all roads safer for all users—including pedestrians and cyclists—and self-driving technology hasn’t come close to that measure yet.

“Don’t Be Evil,” unless you can make billions off it, apparently. 

I blame Christianity. If you believe in god, believing in this nonsense isn’t that much of a stretch.

Yes, who can forget the time Biden told the attendees of a private event that he only wanted immigrants from countries like Denmark, Norway, and Sweden? I mean, it’s almost like he read Hitler’s writings about the superior genetics of the Nordic race, right?

My schadenfreude is warming up. 

The reason they “still can’t pay their drivers” is because people like you refuse to pay the price it would cost to pay a living wage to the people who deliver the food you’re too lazy to cook or leave your house to pick up.

Bro, we know . . . we knowwww. The so-called “Air Fryer” I have in my apartment works brilliantly well for a single person who doesn’t have a convection oven and doesn’t need to turn on the full-sized oven to cook single portions. I never thought it was a “fryer” and still don’t.


“Misfortune” is carrying a lot of water here. It’s not “misfortune” to stuff your car as a result of your incompetence, carelessness, inebriation, or poor judgement.  

The problem is that Musk has claimed to be a free speech absolutist over and over, then censors criticism of him all the time. That makes him a hypocrite and you either an idiot or someone who argues in bad faith.

“When I hear ‘disrupted’, I reach for my gun.”  

Didn’t Andrew Tate claim he had a genius-level 148 IQ? Yeah, nothing says Team MENSA like getting popped because you told an influencer buddy about your plans to go on the lam.

I apologize if I came across harshly; I also dated in the office and it turned out to be a nightmare, so I’m pretty black and white on this issue.

You nailed it in your last sentence. Red Bull offered him the chance to step away cleanly and he lawyered up and turned it into a brawl. 

This is going to blow up in Red Bull’s faces. The correct time for Horner to fall on his sword to protect the team and sport was months ago.

It’s just damage upon damage now.