
I think that it is ok for neighborhoods/ cities to want a peaceful environment. I don’t think that “unmodified” vehicles should be exempt from sound enforcement you should be able to short shift/keep the vehicle in a higher gear to keep the RPMs down. There is a difference between driving a loud car and being

That could potentially lower insurance rates, too. And make things a lot safer for pedestrians, bikes, e-bikes and motorcycles.

So, I know this is a car site and all but, Who the fuck needs a car with 500 hp? Why is something like this available from the factory, for sale to normal idiots who have enough money to buy one but nothing else that says they’re capable of handling a car with this much power?

The burning of fuel is irrelevant as the minimum mass of the car is without fuel. I believe they make them drain it at the end before weighing.

I do enjoy reading about people who are unlikeable finally starting to get some consequences for their assholishness. 

It’s not okay to wait a month for a doctor’s appointment, it’s not okay to have dirty streets in the city with one of the highest income taxes. And it’s not okay to put the responsibility on paying waiter’s salary on the customer. It’s time for change.

How far back you going cause some of the articles written about Walker touching girls go back to 2018. Give it some time, maybe a decade of bitching at the sky will make the world change.

Ah yes, the problem with social media all along is people online have been too restrained by shame and humility

Arrest him. Tow and crush his car. How fucking hard is that to figure out?

LOL “orders of magnitude”

They will get the value of their holdings at the time of the collapse. What they won’t get, is the actual crypto back. Bitcoin price at the time of the collapse was $20k +/-, now it’s $62k. So no, they are not getting back what was stolen from them (crypto). They are just getting the collapse value back.

Came here to post exactly that, will give a star instead.

None of that justifies 5 cops firing 96 times. The criminal penalty for everything you described is not summary execution. Cops aren’t supposed to be executioners.

Grow up.

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When companies like Uber originally launched “gig work” a little over a decade ago, there was consternation that the tech industry was using the guise of “innovation” to degrade industries that previously enjoyed certain labor protections...

What the fuck even is this article? Nobody gets an air fryer because it’s magic.

And then you wonder why Skynet wanted to exterminate mankind.

TheOGturn here, crazy to see my channel mentioned on a site i go to nearly day!!! For those wondering

“disruption” these days only means finding new ways to underpay workers.