
Weird that a country built to serve the car, with cities so spread out that most people are forced into cars, with the most dangerous roads in the developed world, would struggle to convince people that cycling is a practical transport option, eh?

In Alabama, the brain infecting worms actually run the state. 

Of all the arrogant assholes in the Trump administration, Ajit Pai might have been the most most abrasive and cocky. It would be great to see his signature “achievement” overturned for that reason alone.

The monarchy has enough problems of their own—they don’t have the bandwidth to be involved in Brand’s long-overdue reckoning. Come on. 

Well, I haven’t because I haven’t wasted a second watching the turds these clowns have been trying to convince us are worth our time. They’re not. 

Grimes also comes from a family with a mom who’s an esteemed lawyer and father who was a banker and works in biotech. She’s from the right side of the tracks and attended school in well-off part of the city. The illiteracy is either an act or something she picked up from Mr. NoCondoms. 

It’s going to be Ivanka. He’ll offer her VP to stop her from flipping, if she hasn’t already . . . 

And will he sue himself for lost ad revenue when the courts find that Twitter is a haven for anti-Semitism?

Because no abuser has ever used this line of reasoning before, right?

Using your wealth and power to try crush the accusations with a countersuit is a terrible idea. 

It’s almost impossible to quantify the irony of Musk whining “We may fail, as so many have predicted...” as though it’s some sort of fated outcome when he’s actively making the experience worse at every turn. 

Let them fucking leave. The gig/on-demand economy is a poison which has hollowed out cities, pushed wages down, filled the streets with delivery vehicles and Ubers parked in crosswalks and bike lanes, driven rents up, ruined neighbourhoods close to tourist attractions, and turned local governments into the feckless

Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.”  

In other news a survey using data provided by Philip Morris International found a correlation between smoking and feelings of “smooth, easy, refreshment.” 

The bankruptcy headlines will be amazing:

Fatty Musk is currently undergoing exploratory surgery to find his balls. Hope he finds them . . . there are more children to sire with employees and wives of friends.

Pulling children into reactionary, conspiratorial narratives is as old as time and it has an equally long track record of turning out to be bullshit.

Again, these are not real numbers as Uber continues to use what they refer to as an “Adjusted EBITDA” in their financial statements which not only includes the standard measures but alsocosts that are not directly attributable to our reportable segments. Corporate G&A also includes certain shared costs such as

That’s like saying “thinking Scientology is a cult is a cult” . . . (it’s not). 

Nothing says “it’s not a cult” like writing a 500 word response in the comment section of Gizmodo.

I’m glad you escaped.