
I’m not in a cult, you’re in a cult” is about the most cultish reply ever, but keep attacking the messenger if it makes you feel better.

Just finished reading the full story.

Good to know that I can stop using wrist weights for the extra burn when I’m pulling the goalie.  

So, in addition to being a fraudster, liar, and thief, he’s also a creepy ex-boyfriend. Talk about reinforcing the weirdo crypto dude stereotype . . .

The irony of a noted transphobe rebranding around the symbol used as an abbreviation for “trans” is almost too perfect.

This was the most half-assed, worst-executed rebrand in history. Along with the trademark issues, the site still runs on and word “Twitter” is still all over the site.

The death spiral continues. 

This comment applies to every crypto guy.  

Whole Foods always sucked.

Otters are giant bitey swimming rats. Just ask the folks in Singapore getting terrorized by them. 

Ok, you’ve earned it. But just this once. 

Self-driving cars, EVs, Uber, Lyft, and so on are all lies being told to try to convince an automobile-addicted society that this method of living is okay, that we can continue to put more vehicles on the road with minimal consequences.

“Welcome to the Hotel California . . .”

I found the key to let myself out of doomscrolling hell when Musk bought Twitter and I’m not voluntarily going back there.

I’m more and more convinced that this “internet” thing was a terrible idea which will kill us all. (Yeah yeah yeah, I get the irony of posting this via the internet.)  

One second you’re a billionaire, a hundredth of a second later you and your son are smears of DNA on the walls of the crap-assn submersible you took to be Titanic tourists.

Movies are being killed by franchises.

How hard is it to mimic a dial tone with awkward pauses, really?

Oh gosh, how will the world survive without more space soap opera sequels, aquatic melodramas, and live action cartoons for grown men who still talk about Batman? It’s a tragedy for all the men children!

The only thing more embarrassing than thinking she can pull off that green dress is thinking that a single sentient being will buy her bullshit about Twitter becoming “the world’s most accurate real-time information source and a global town square for communication.”

That ship was torpedoed and sunk long before Musk

$10 a day isn’t even a decent tip on what WFH is worth to me.