
You sound like a NIMBY fuck throwing up the drawbridge to keep everyone out who didn’t arrive when you did. Pound sand, bro. 

Those advertisers aren’t ever coming back. 

I’d bet that a low-dose oral version of these drugs will be available OTC in 24 months or less.

Remind me again how those little flags that pedestrians are supposed to use at crosswalks are going to fix the problem of shitty drivers? 

How long until the EU threatens to ban Twitter for leaving the misinformation code and abandoning fake image moderation to its users?

They’re kidding themselves. It was worth half what Musk paid for it and has been bleeding value ever since, so the bank is slow-rolling their loss, trying to spread it over multiple quarters. Twitter’s user base and data means it will never reach a zero valuation, but it’s certainly trending that way.

Imagine being such a whiny pissbaby that you throw your toys out of the crib because your favourite fried chicken joint isn’t putting enough bigot sauce on your sandwich? 

Looking at that gallery of awfulness, I’m convinced that Trump should have stuck with “Meatball Ron” as a nickname.

Musk showing some genius level four dimension thinking by making sure that Trump voters hate him as much as Democrats and liberals.

Well, Uber may be a cesspit, but at least it’s profitable, right . . . right?

Whatever, Karen.

In other news, Texas is instituting a surtax on gun injury medical care for non gun owners, arguing that the injuries would have been unlikely had they were able to defend themselves.

They get more clicks on YouTube. 

Great, now try and turn a corner. 

So, Uber’s a taxi company now? Just kidding, it was always a fucking taxi company. 

That seems like a wildly optimistic view considering his audience demographic. The hate clicks will stop once the show is live and he’ll won’t be paid from the viral clips which pop up in places like Mediaite and Daily Wire. Even if his number end up looking like the “same audience,” his revenue and impact will be

His last show on FOX got and audience of 2.6M plus. I’d be shocked if he got even a quarter of that on Twitter.

With no base of advertisers.
And paying for all the production himself.

No, just no.

If there’s a single lesson that we should have learned since the dawn of the industrial revolution, it’s that no industry should be allowed to self-regulate. However this concept is dressed up, it inevitably leads to worse outcomes for humanity, the environment, and the economy.

AI, gig economy, social media, Amazon . . . can someone point me in the direction of a new technology which hasn’t contributed to inequality and work precarity?

See also: kitchen staff, Uber Eats delivery staff, Amazon warehouse workers, Starbucks baristas. There’s a long list of workers essential to the services consumers expect, yet they squeal like pigs every time the idea is proposed that those workers should be treated as essential to the economy.