
FACT. So much so that I just could not let it pass unacknowledged.

FACT. So much so that I just could not let it pass unacknowledged.



Adding my voice to several above…
I don't know how to go about casting a vote against blocking this comment, but this seems to be one of those times when the original post needs to be left standing - offensive, snarky, misogynistic or not. Given the initial reaction and the value (I think) to the conversation that

Adding my voice to several above…
I don't know how to go about casting a vote against blocking this comment, but this seems to be one of those times when the original post needs to be left standing - offensive, snarky, misogynistic or not. Given the initial reaction and the value (I think) to the conversation that

So I'm the kind of complete nerd who actually listens to the weekly Ryan & Ryan podcasts - which means that for eight straight weeks I've listened to Ryan McGee find a way to work the word "Blackwater" into every conversation he and Mo have had about the preceding episodes. At some point before the start of season 2,

So I'm the kind of complete nerd who actually listens to the weekly Ryan & Ryan podcasts - which means that for eight straight weeks I've listened to Ryan McGee find a way to work the word "Blackwater" into every conversation he and Mo have had about the preceding episodes. At some point before the start of season 2,

@drdarke:disqus (et al)

Agreed that the idea of Dan Harmon walking away from the show at any point just strikes me as so ludicrous as to be rendered unthinkable.

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus  You seriously don't understand the distinction? 
In a thread where newbies are batting around various theories about an unresolved question - a thread where  @avclub-ffdf9e46752971c63a4c33e8e9b3ae98:disqus actually came right out and defined the conversation as a

* I do legitimately appreciate every single book-reader who has managed to restrain their enthusiasm for the text around the more spoilerphobe viewers. I think the number of spoilerdicks has fallen considerably since last season…though the rate of "coy-non-specific-helpfully-vague-statements

And it is with painfully rolled eyes that I have to mark the

Wait - callback? I admit to being fairly disengaged with most of the Fall episodes, but that strikes me as a scene I would've remembered. What am I missing?

"But I may just be loopy from these pills someone slipped into my jellybeans."

So clearly this group possessed some kind of pop cultural prescience. I'm not sure which is more impressive: the fortelling of Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister or this early adoption of Donald Glover's comedic MVPitiude. Well done, 30 Rock commenters of yesteryear.

You're right…the kinds of technical and aesthetic choices that must go into planning the appearance of a decades-enduring pop cultural icon does sound really interesting. Seriously, not just the execution of design, but the process of blending trend with character in what is a very unique situation: a potential