
I’m coming from a whole decade in the future to say I really hope you enjoyed seeing The Naked Man again.

I am absolutely fascinated by this thread, ten years later. It’s a real testament to the work of feminist activists that I can read this now and be so shocked by the opinions posted. The idea that “real” rape has to include some form of physical force or a clearly stated NO is no longer the norm (though still

Gold dragons, silver stags and coppers have been mentioned.

Can be and has been. Burned his hand on a lantern he threw at the wight in Mormon's Chambers, way back in AGOT/S01.

Fair enough. Sweet Valley High rules it is!

Or that.

I have read every review you've posted on the season in the last two days. This is the first time you've mentioned any annoyance with their relationship. (And in fact, you did out yourself as a very mild Piper defender some episodes back.)


And I would have been willing to accept that the timeline of the show is still set in the general vicinity 2013-2014 if this episode had not featured a fingerprint scanning cell phone as a plot device.

I think having Linda inside the riot, masquerading as a prisoner is a smart and almost predictable move. The riot can't last forever and, for there to be any real change for the inmates once this is all over, someone from MCC has to be able to vouch for the need to do so.

I tend to agree with you. I feel like the chaotic and comedic atmosphere actually helps the moments of gravity and sadness land all that much harder. The whiplash is effective…for me, at least.

As mentioned above, I just assumed he had a set Google alert for Litchfield prison. The video is called "The Truth about the Litchfield murder."

I agree it definitely isn't 2013 in the show's universe anymore and I think that tracks with just a cursory look at the amount of time that would have passed if the exact same scenarios had played out IRL without the multi-month interruptions we experience at the end of each season. I can see some validity to the idea

You should move to Tennessee
-No One, Ever

I guess I had sort of an opposite reaction to the episode. Despite knowing the outcome of their attempt to flee, I still felt tension as they were in the trunk. I knew they would eventually be on the run, Luke in the driver's seat, but not knowing how they ended up there made any possibility plausible. When Luke and

I have to say, I'm struggling to understand how this con can be very successful. I would like to think that anyone carrying a substantial amount of money for deposit would think twice about handing it to a non-bank employee sitting on the sidewalk in the snow on a tripod. I mean…this unarmed man is going to be outside

Attention readers past and future:
Stubbornly dodging a question that has been politely asked of you several times by several people does not make you look better than them. It makes you look like you haven't a clue what the fuck is going on either.

Greetings from the future. Brace yourself for the president yet to come.

Only one of these is deserving of true shame.

Most certainly. Raising the timeless, oft-debated question: Becky Conner, Nu or Original Recipe?